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Living Math: The Ultimate Resource

You have heard me talk about living math over and over. I thought it was high time to organize all my living math resources for you in one convenient “table of contents” of sorts.

Living Math: All of Cindy West's resources in one place

Start Here

If you’re new to the concept of living math or need some help refining your definition/vision, this post should be your first stop. What is living math?

Living Math | Our Journey Westward

Incorporate Living Math in Your Homeschool

Need help “adding” living math to your homeschool? Join me in the Living Math Video Training to learn how to incorporate fun and practical math activities into your normal homeschool routine. Additionally, my Loving Living Math book provides a plethora of resources and ideas to use living math with your kids.

Math in Nature!

Enjoy These Posts

Peruse my living math category of posts.  In other words, you’ll have access to each and every post I’ve every written about living math.  If this seems a tad overwhelming, you might skip on down to the next section where I’ve linked directly to some of my very favorite lesson ideas.

Living Math... Matters

A Few of My Very Favorite Lesson Ideas

Not only are these my favorites, but they’re yours, too!  These are some of the most pinned living math posts that you won’t want to miss.

Early math lessons
Living Math for Littles
Standard Measurement with Playdough
Hands-On Standard Measurement
Paper Airplane Math
Graphing with Paper Airplane
Logic in the Homeschool
Logic is Living Math, too
M&M Math
M&M Math
Math and Science Lessons using Candy | Our Journey Westward
Candy Math
Pumpkin School
Pumpkin Math
Candy Heart School
Valentine Math

Even More Lesson Ideas

I’ve rounded up more than 100 of the best living math lessons around the internet!

Need ideas for living math lessons? There are more than 100 here!

Living Literature for Living Math

Add literature to math lessons.  It makes learning more fun!  Not to mention, books do a fabulous job of teaching for us.

This post contains affiliate links.

Math opMeasurement Picture BooksCounting Picture BooksGeometryTime and Money Picture BooksFractions Picture BooksProblem Solving Picture BooksMeasurement of Data Picture BooksLiving Books for Middle School MathLiving Books for Elementary Math


Pinteresting Living Math Ideas

I’ve pinned oodles of living math lesson ideas from all over the web on my living math Pinterest board.  Don’t miss it!

Cindy West's Living Math Pinterest Board

A Little Live Learning: G+ Hangout


  1. Tammy Glaser says:

    Thanks for sharing your living math ideas with the Charlotte Mason blog carnival!

  2. Carla Allen says:

    Any tips on problem solving for living math? We use Math U See and there isn’t any practice sheets online for problem solving.

  3. Carla, perhaps you’ll find a few useful ideas on my living math Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/cindykwest/hs-living-math/

    You can also do a Google search “problem solving activities for ___ grade”. I usually have great luck with a specific search for my grade level. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I have a child struggling with multiplication facts. Any suggestions? There is so much out there. We us MUS and she does the drills, but is not making progress and getting so discouraged.

  5. Jo, I know your struggle! Have you tried Times Tales? That has worked wonders with my boys. The stories that go along with the facts seem to really make sense for children who are visual and/or auditory learners especially.

    Otherwise, my youngest (9) really likes when we play catch while practicing facts. He’s very kinesthetic. We put on the baseball gloves and take turns calling out facts and answering them as we throw the baseball.

  6. Do you have any suggestions for high school math?

  7. Hello, do you have any recommendations for students who are struggling with fractions? Also for grade 7 students?

  8. Hi Nil, I just happened to write a post about fractions yesterday. ๐Ÿ™‚ You can find books to help in understanding fractions and a few ideas for manipulatives and activities that help fractions make more sense on this post – https://ourjourneywestward.com/picture-books-that-teach-fractions/. Start with a beginning understanding of fractions and move on from there. Your 7th grader will soon be back on track. Don’t forget, there are lots of great YouTube videos to search that help with understanding, too!

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