Middle School

Full moon with tree silhouette in front of the moon with a black background

The Harvest Moon

The harvest moon is one of the big, beautiful full moons of the autumn season. Children will love learning how it got its name and why it looks the way it does in this homeschool nature study! The moon has fascinated folks since the beginning of time. It’s such a beautiful, yet mysterious object that…

Pea pod on a green pea plant with some white flowers

Gregor Mendel Study

I love learning about nature through the eyes of naturalists, botanists, and other scientists. In this Gregor Mendel study, the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast takes a look at botany through scientific eyes! Who is Gregor Mendel and why is he important? It might seem weird to go all the way back to the 1800s…

green pondweed advertising a pondweed nature study

Pondweed Nature Study

Hi there! Are you ready to learn about Potamogeton today? Are you wondering what in the world that is? I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and I can’t wait to tell you in this pondweed nature study! Potamogeton Nature Study Potamogeton is a long word, but it’s not so bad to sound…