Convenient and Flexible Learning: Online Homeschool Masterclasses provide practical, bite-sized ideas that can be implemented immediately, with the convenience of replays to review as needed.
Experienced Instruction: Benefit from the knowledge and experience of a 20+ year veteran homeschooler with a master’s degree in education, ensuring high-quality and relevant content.
Cost-Effective Alternative: More affordable than attending homeschool conferences or hiring private consultants, offering valuable insights without the hefty price tag.
Training and Q&A: Homeschool Masterclasses have been recorded with a live audience and include approximately 1 hour of training and 30 minutes of Q&A from the participants.
24/7 Access: You can access recorded masterclasses anytime and watch them as often as needed.
Ongoing Support: Gain access to a private Facebook group for ongoing support and additional questions, fostering a supportive community and continuous learning.
Learn to use game-like activities for brain training at home to help improve cognitive skills and boost academic performance for all ages.
If your child struggles with attention, memory, auditory processing, visual processing, comprehension, or logical reasoning, brain training exercises can help!
Teaching writing can be fun and relatively easy with the help of picture books. Let Cindy show you how to use simple picture books to develop incredible writing skills in students from 5th-12th grades.
You really can have a practical homeschool schedule that includes all the academics, several of the extras, and lots of peace and joy. Let me help you develop your perfect plan!
Project-based learning builds interest and encourages independence. It’s great for multiple ages and promotes an incredible amount of skills. Cindy can help you learn all you need to know to make project-based learning a reality in your homeschool!
Homeschooling middle school is probably my favorite season of all. There is so much freedom and potential in the middle school years that can make for incredible learning – even during those turbulent hormonal swings. I can’t wait to give you a vision to seize these wonderful moments!
Learn how to homeschool high school while striking a wonderful balance between “college bound” requirements, interest-based learning, and extra-curricular activities.
Discipline isn’t just giving our children consequences, it’s also training them in the skills of decision-making, self-control, and responsibility. The good news is that we can do all of the above with success and a big dose of love!
The addition of living math to your homeschool schedule is really much easier than you might think. It’s also more important than you might think. I would never ask you to completely ditch your math textbook, but let me help you open some pretty amazing doors just outside of the textbook!
I hear you. You’re thinking, “Wait. I thought Cindy was a Charlotte Mason-inspired homeschooler. How exactly does a unit study fit into the mix?” Oh, it’s easy! During the years when I was homeschooling multiple ages, unit studies saved my bacon in a lot of ways. We studied history and science in four-year cycles. In…
Logic and critical thinking are “critical” for every homeschool because they train children to think. Trained thinking helps children of all ages in every situation from academics to attitudes. This masterclass with show you exactly how to implement logic and critical thinking easily!
All those homeschooling extras seem like so much fun. They would add such rich learning and maybe even ignite passions. But, seriously, there is no time to add one more thing to your homeschooling schedule, right? Well…let Cindy help you make a little room for some of the things you never thought you could find the time to do with your children!
Wait! Before you ditch the curriculum that isn’t working, try tweaking it instead. There are so many easy things you can do to make the curriculum you have now meet the needs of your specific children or your general homeschool style. Learn about several options that could save your sanity and your pocketbook!
A successful morning time has the potential to be one of the sweetest and most productive moments of your homeschool day. Because there’s no right way to do it, morning time can seem overwhelming sometimes. Let me help you think about the possibilities and develop the perfect plan for your family.
What are the important life skills for kids and how do you teach them without adding even more to your already busy schedule? This class has plenty of practical ideas for you!
Excellent character is certainly a goal every parent has for their children. The integrity and perseverance that grow from good character will help them in every single aspect of their lives now and later. Whether you have a struggling kiddo (or two) or just want some new ideas for building strong character qualities, this class will help with some super easy and creative ideas!
Strengthening independent learning during high school is easy when you incorporate student-led courses! This class will give you the tools you need to plan for successful learning.
The winter blahs are real! They may leave you without the motivation to plan one more lesson and/or you may find your children bouncing off of every single wall in the house. Let me share a few tips and tricks to keep you energetically and creatively homeschooling in winter!
Convenient and Flexible Learning: Online Homeschool Masterclasses provide practical, bite-sized ideas that can be implemented immediately, with the convenience of replays to review as needed.
Experienced Instruction: Benefit from the knowledge and experience of a 20+ year veteran homeschooler with a master’s degree in education, ensuring high-quality and relevant content.
Cost-Effective Alternative: More affordable than attending homeschool conferences or hiring private consultants, offering valuable insights without the hefty price tag.
Training and Q&A: Homeschool Masterclasses have been recorded with a live audience and include approximately 1 hour of training and 30 minutes of Q&A from the participants.
24/7 Access: You can access recorded masterclasses anytime and watch them as often as needed.
Ongoing Support: Gain access to a private Facebook group for ongoing support and additional questions, fostering a supportive community and continuous learning.