Life Skills for Kids Homeschool Masterclass


What are the important life skills for kids and how do you teach them without adding even more to your already busy schedule? This class has plenty of practical ideas for you!

What are the important life skills for kids and how do you teach them on top of an already busy schedule? This class will answer those questions!

What exactly are life skills for kids? In a broad sense, they are ANYTHING a child needs to learn in order to make it in the world as a successful adult. That includes everything from reading and communication to balancing a checkbook and problem-solving. In this class, we’ll look at a slightly narrower view of life skills and focus on very practical things like self-care, the necessary things to run a home, and important skills for the real world. Just a few examples of the types of life skills we’ll cover include things like:

  • animal care
  • pantry organization
  • party planning
  • caring for lawn equipment
  • time management

From the time our children begin to toddle around the house to the moment they complete their homeschool adventure with you, you have opportunities to add new life skills to their repertoire. Just like habit training in the Charlotte Mason philosophy of homeschooling, life skills are best when tackled systematically and built upon each other over time. We’ll talk about how to do that for all ages from preschool through high school!

Upon registration, you’ll receive a printable list of several life skills that you can consider teaching your children before they leave your home someday. We’ll discuss age-appropriate ideas for each item on the (giant) list leaving you with plenty of practical ideas moving forward.

We’ll also talk about ways to fit training into your schedule and how to do it whether you feel confident teaching a particular life skill or not.

Life skills are definitely worth the time and effort in your homeschool! Give your children the gift of readiness when you launch them into the world. Life skill training can start in preschool, but don’t be worried if you’re beginning a little late. There’s still plenty of time to prepare your children for a lifetime of practical life skills!

Approximately 1.25 hours of training




Grade Level

Parent Resource


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