Would you like to have confidence in your homeschool curriculum choices? I’m sure the answer is yes because we all want to walk into homeschooling with the assurance that we have chosen the perfect curriculum.
Well, sadly, there is no such thing as a perfect curriculum, but it is possible to get pretty close and then tweak what isn’t perfect.
Fortunately, we have plenty of homeschool curriculum choices these days. Unfortunately, all of those amazing choices can be overwhelming to consider and even more overwhelming to whittle down to a definitive choice. What do we do with all the options? That’s exactly what this class will help you figure out.
You’ll learn how to think about curriculum as part of a long-term plan. Not only does a plan help to ensure a thorough education for your children, but it’s also so much easier to stay focused on curriculum choices when you have a plan in place.
I’ll show you how to gather plenty of options and quickly narrow down the list. You’ll learn how to take into consideration things like learning preferences, homeschool styles, and age/ability appropriateness to make final decisions.
Well-meaning friends, curriculum companies, shiny new curriculum catalogs, and homeschool conventions can be excellent helpers, but they can also add to the hubbub in your brain. While we certainly want to glean wisdom from trusted resources, we’ll talk about ways to cut out the extra noise.
Of course, since we know nothing’s perfect and there will be gaps along the way, we’ll spend some time talking about how to overcome some of the most common curriculum issues, too.
We can be confident in our homeschool curriculum choices! A little preparation and planning go a long way.
All Homeschool Masterclass attendees get access to a private Facebook group where questions and successes can be shared and celebrated with like-minded parents.
1 hour of training
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