
Full moon with tree silhouette in front of the moon with a black background

The Harvest Moon

The harvest moon is one of the big, beautiful full moons of the autumn season. Children will love learning how it got its name and why it looks the way it does in this homeschool nature study! The moon has fascinated folks since the beginning of time. It’s such a beautiful, yet mysterious object that…

Pea pod on a green pea plant with some white flowers

Gregor Mendel Study

I love learning about nature through the eyes of naturalists, botanists, and other scientists. In this Gregor Mendel study, the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast takes a look at botany through scientific eyes! Who is Gregor Mendel and why is he important? It might seem weird to go all the way back to the 1800s…

Green and pink play-doh advertising a class about teaching standard measurement with play-doh

Standard Measurement with Play Dough

This hands-on, literature-based math activity will help your younger students concretely understand the concept of standard measurement. Target Age Range: K-2 Skills Covered: non-standard measurement, standard measurement, making comparisons, fine motor skills, reading Understanding measurement doesn’t have to be hard for little ones. In fact, teaching it early with concrete materials builds an in-depth understanding that…

Colorful map of the United States with a animated blue car and the outline of a roadway below the map. The image is being used for a blog post about a literature-based study through the 50 states.

Around the USA Study

Our 1st grade trip Around the World was wonderful. Our 2nd grade trip across the United States of America was even more wonderful! Take a peek at our around the USA study and enjoy a trip yourself! Around the USA Study Our brief stops in each state began with living literature “tour guide(s)” who introduced…

green pondweed advertising a pondweed nature study

Pondweed Nature Study

Hi there! Are you ready to learn about Potamogeton today? Are you wondering what in the world that is? I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and I can’t wait to tell you in this pondweed nature study! Potamogeton Nature Study Potamogeton is a long word, but it’s not so bad to sound…

Big black and yellow Mud Dauber advertising a mud dauber nature study podcast

Mud Daubers Nature Study

When I tell you that we’re learning about wasps today, will you stick around? I hope so! I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and I’m looking forward to today’s mud dauber nature study with you! Mud Dauber Nature Study Does the thought of learning about wasps bring to mind painful stings that…

Hissing light brown water snake with yellow eyes. To advertise a water snake nature study podcast

Water Snakes Nature Study

Hello and welcome to a slithery sort of science lesson today. I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and I sure hope you’ll give this episode a chance even if the topic of water snake nature study seems a little scary. Do you think you can handle it? Let’s go! Are snakes scary?…