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Curriculum Choices and Daily Schedule: 12th, 9th and 2nd Grades

Homeschool curriculum choices from Cindy of Our Journey Westward.  See what high school and elementary look like in an eclectic Charlotte Mason homeschool.

(This post contains affiliate links.)

I have a senior this year.  A senior.  Time. has. flown.

While it’s bittersweet to plan the last homeschool year for my little girl, I’m finally at a point where I can say with full realization that homeschooling works AND it’s been worth every single second.  I’ll post soon about those two very big claims because they are monumental in the scope of this one life we have to live.

For now, after much planning, I’d like to share our final curriculum choices and typical daily schedule for not only that senior, but our new high school student and his brother, the 2nd grader.

The Senior

This summer, Mahayla scored extremely well on her ACT test.  That score changed everything.  I had her senior year planned out precisely as we put together a four-year plan during her freshman year.  With the exceptional ACT score, we began to rethink everything.

Should we even worry with a senior year?  Should she go ahead and enter college?  Should she take as many dual enrollment courses as possible?  Should she CLEP out of as many courses as possible?  Should we allow her to fully enjoy delight-directed learning as she researches college options?  Should we just go ahead with year four of high school as planned?

In the end, we’ve decided to use her senior year to do a little of everything.  We will meet with a couple of college admissions advisers to discuss CLEP acceptance and then CLEP out of as much as possible.  At the same time, she will throw herself into the desires of her heart – horses, agriculture, serving, a part-time job…

I am asking her to complete two math programs that I feel are of utmost importance before jumping into the world.  Neither is hard core.

Consumer Math Success Kit, A Beka Business Mathematics

I’m also asking her to read at least a few of these book selections.

The Reason for God, A Chance to Die, God’s Smuggler, A Young Woman’s Walk with God

I have a feeling, she’ll want to go through the meat of these two courses just for the heck of it, too.  (Yes, she’s that kind of kid.  You’ve gotta love the results of a “life is learning, learning is life” homeschooling atmosphere!)

Constitutional Literacy DVD’s, Psychology: A Christian Perspective

And that’s it.  My baby girl is easy this year.  Well, if you don’t count all the college visits, forms, scholarships searching, etc. that we’ll be doing to wrap up homeschooling.

The Freshman

As Caleb enters his high school years, we are purposely moving a bit slower with him than we did with Mahayla.  She isn’t any smarter than Caleb, but she has two things going for her that allowed us to fly fast and furious with high school:  She’s a girl (ahem, seemingly more mature in comparison) and she loves to read.  Being more mature means you can handle more responsibility, and loving books typically means you can get through a vast amount of material quickly.

None of this means his high school years won’t be challenging, just different.  And that’s okay!

Bible:  We’ll do family Bible study most days.  I’m also working Caleb into more independent Bible study where we’ll discuss together what he’s been learning.

Math: Saxon Algebra 1 with Saxon Teacher CD

Logic: Mind Benders, Perplexors

English 1: WordSmith, Spelling Power, Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Nature Study/Science: NaturExplorers Studies

NaturExplorers is a motivating science curriculum for 1st-8th graders!

History: Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool Modern History is the plan for the first semester.  We’ll pick and choose what works for us.  During the 2nd semester, we’ll jump into one more deep dive through American history using this plan.

Teaching history in high school doesn't have to be dull! This post shares how to use a spine text alongside projects to make a great interest-based course.

Spanish: Mango Homeschool Spanish

Caleb’s 9th Grade Weekly Schedule

Cindy West shares the weekly schedule for her 9th grader.

The 2nd Grader

My littlest is moving on!  I still love teaching the elementary years so much.  We’re going to soak up every single wonderful minute together.

Please remember that we almost NEVER use any particular curriculum from start to finish.  I pick and choose the best, most needful lessons and we leave the rest behind.  Don’t be overwhelmed with the number of resources below.

Bible: Child’s Story Bible: Coloring Pages (made into a timeline), Superbook App, Character Building Literature

You might like: Teaching Values with Living Literature and Living Literature to Encourage Bible Study

Textbook Math: Horizons 2

Living Math and Logic: Problem Play, Enrichment Units in Math, Dr. Funster’s Think A Minutes, Primarily Logic, Logic Safari, Detective Club Mysteries

You might like this living math how-to book: Loving Living Math

Language Arts: Explode the Code, Primary Language Lessons, All About Spelling, Aesop’s Fables for Children, A Child’s Garden of Verses, I Wonder Reader, Typing Instructor

History/Geography: 50 States Study  +  Liberty Kid’s DVD’s, Carmen San Diego DVD’s

(I will be posting about our 50 States study throughout the year.)

Science: Unit Studies – Astronomy, Physical Science, Insects & Dinosaurs  +  Magic School Bus DVD’s, Wild Kratts Episodes

(I will be posting about our science unit studies throughout the year.)

Nature Study: NaturExplorers Studies

NaturExplorers is a motivating science curriculum for 1st-8th graders!

Artist and Composer Study: Pinterest Ideas

2014-15 Curriculum Choices from Our Journey Westward 2014-15 Curriculum Choices from Our Journey Westward

Eli’s 2nd Grade Weekly Schedule

Cindy West's plan for their 2nd grade homeschooling weekly schedule

 Planners for the Year

If you haven’t seen these planner posts yet, they are not to miss!

Weekly-Lesson-Notebooks This student planner from APlanInPlace.net is customizable to meet your needs! Free Charlotte Mason homeschooling weekly planner for elementary grades


This post has been linked to the 2014 Not Back to School Hop.  Join the fun!



  1. What a busy year ahead. I can’t believe how much your crew has grown up. I guess that is happening to all of us.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Christine says:

    I’m curious what all you include in your Bible Timeline page for a 2nd grader? Enjoyed your post!

  3. While I’m reading the corresponding story, Eli will color the page. We’ll write the date on the page and file it in a three-ring binder. (The Children’s Story Bible is written chronologically.) Occasionally, we’ll pull out the coloring pages, mix them up and practice putting them in order. Nothing fancy this year. Next year, we’ll jump into our first chronological study of history where the timeline will be more like a “real” book of centuries. 🙂

  4. I know, Dawn! You and I have been together in this homeschooling thing for quite some time. It’s been a joy to share it with my online friends!

  5. Cindy – I’m so glad to have found your site! My daughter attended public school for kindergarten last year, and we’ve just recently decided that we’ll be homeschooling her starting this year. Since the typical school begins in early September and I only just arrived upon this decision, I’m freaking out a little to say the least! But we’ve prayed on it and feel that God is pushing us towards home educating. In my few days of researching I’ve found that the Charlotte Mason Method of homeschooling is the one that resonates with me the most. I’m still struggling to figure out how I’m going to use the CM method to teach math, but I’m going through all of your previous blog posts on teaching the CM way and trying to take them in some orderly fashion without jumping ahead. 🙂 So anyway, thanks for posting all of this great information! I’m sure I’ll be back frequently to keep up on all of your wonderful ideas!

  6. For your 2nd grader, i see that you have built in Math game, Logic game, and Language Arts game for Independent Activity. Can you tell me what these are? Where do you find the games for him to do independently? Thank you!

  7. Deanna Germaine says:

    Hi Cindy!! I’m so thankful for you!! I have 3 kiddos and can relate to you so much! Just know the Lord is using you each and every day!! You have been such an answer to my prayers and blessing to my family and I!! I have a question….I want to get the Horizons Math Book/ Curriculum for my second grader. What do you use? When I click on your link on your curriculum you used for your 2nd grader, it shows me the workbooks only. I want to make sure I’m getting all that is necessary….and you mentioned horizons flashcards in your daily schedule? How can I find all the necessary items to purchase? Thank you so much for any info!!

  8. Deanna, you just made my heart smile!

    I only purchase Horizons workbooks. Because my degree is in elementary education, I don’t have a need for the teacher’s guides until we reach the upper level maths. The teacher’s guides are VERY helpful for most parents, though, and I highly suggest purchasing the entire homeschool math set. You can see the entire set here.

    When I mention flashcards on the schedule, I’m simply talking about regular old flashcards you can buy at any dollar store. On those days, we do a Horizons lesson AND a quick flashcard drill. 🙂

  9. Deanna Germaine says:

    Thank you so very much!!! I will definitely be getting that Teacher’s Book as well…the set! You’re so helpful!

  10. Deanna Germaine says:

    Cindy….question about All About Spelling. I have a 2nd grader this upcoming school year and just learned about the All About Spelling Program from you! I am definitely going to do it! I’m getting ready to order the materials…was going to order what you got for your son Eli for 2nd grade, but it says that if your student hasn’t ever used it before to start with Level 1 as it is a building block program. Just curious your thoughts on that?? I don’t want it to be too easy for her if I start on Level 1 but didn’t want to start on Level 2 if you don’t think I should based on the fact that we’ve never used the program before. My daughter is very smart and advanced reader for her age! Thanks so much for any thoughts or input! I highly value all of your input always!! Again, so thankful for you!!:):) Thanks a million!!

  11. Deanna,
    Yes, start with level 1. You may move through it rather quickly, but it’s pretty foundational to the program. I don’t think you’ll be displeased, but I’m pretty sure you can view the entire scope and sequence in their “sample pages” section just to be sure. :o)

  12. Hey Cindy!:) I am planning my 2nd graders school year…just trying to get our schedule a little organized. I was looking at Eli’s 2nd grade schedule you made to kind of guide me and was curious… what does it mean when you say phonics on the schedule ? We are also using All About Spelling, Primary Language Lessons, Explode the Code, and I Wonder reader. Do you use one of those for the phonics? Also, for the Oral Grammar and Memory Work on your schedule did you use one of these books or something else? You just have no idea how much of an inspiration and encouragement you are to me! Thanks for any input or guidance!!

  13. Hi, Deanna! Phonics is anything that focuses on the specific sounds letters or groups of letters make, so Explode the Code and/or All About Spelling work. Oral grammar for us that year was from Primary Language Lessons. Memory work was from either Aesop’s Fables, a poetry book, or Bible verses.

    I’m so glad by blog has been helpful to you! I hope that clears things up a bit. Let me know if it doesn’t!

  14. Thanks for sharing! And best of luck with the year ahead. My daughter is in grade nine, and I’m pinching myself to keep from flipping out at how the time has flown. Yet another reason to be grateful to have homeschooled and made the most of family time together!

  15. Hi! I realize this is an older post and you may not remember but I just found your blog as I begin homeschooling 3 boys (12,10,8) ans my diaghgwr who’s 5. 2 of my boys have dyslexia so your blog is also very helpful and I love Charlotte mason style.
    Anyway, my question is for your 2nd grader, i see that you have built in Math game, Logic game, and Language Arts game for Independent Activity. Can you tell me what these are? Where do you find the games for him to do independently? Thank you!

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