
Early American Explorers Unit

Early American Explorers Unit

Unit studies have been a wonderful method of multi-age learning in our homeschool You can fit in so much goodness in such a nice chunk of time! This post contains affiliate links. Early American Explorers Resources In our late elementary/early middle school quest to learn Early American History this year, we began by studying the…

Melissa’s Visit

Melissa and her family came to visit us this past weekend!!  We’ve been friends for nearly ten years, but have lived an hour and a half away from each other for six of those years now.  Thank the Lord for internet and email service!  :o)  We share so many similarities from curriculum choices to food sensitivities to a…

Aaahh…A Schedule

Aaahh…A Schedule

School is just about up and running again and schedules are getting back on track.  I sure love the freedom that summer brings, but I’m always ready to get back on schedule.  School schedules, chore schedules, weekly engagement schedules.  Somehow, life is just calmer when it’s scheduled (around here anyway.) Here’s a rough sketch of…

Loosely Following Feingold

AKA – Our Red Food Coloring Story Even though I shared my MSG story first, I really believe that this story is a more important message.  Why?  I see children every single day that are either out of control and their parents are at their wit’s end OR the parents have already lost hope and…

July’s Creation Club

July’s meeting was less of a nature day and more a celebration of water.  We had a water field day!  Each of the moms brought a water game or two which turned out to be tons of fun. Let’s see, the kids played a relay carrying containers of water on their heads, a sponge and bucket relay, and…

2008-09 Overall Plans

School will be starting up again soon!  We’ll probably wait until the rest of the garden has been harvested and canned/frozen, but the serious planning is well underway already.  Following is our overall plan for the year. Bible Since working through the Old, then New Testaments over the last two years, I think we’re going to…

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