Homeschooling Gifted Kids

Homeschooling gifted kids isn’t impossible. In fact, it might be one of the best things you could ever do for your child! And…you CAN do it!
I’ve written Homeschooling Gifted Kids: A Practical Guide to Educate and Motivate Advanced Learners to help you be successful!
I’ve been writing about gifted homeschooling for several years and have gathered all my posts together for your convenience. I hope you’re encouraged!
Gifted Homeschooling Posts
Series to Help with Gifted Kids
Gifted children often love to read, need to learn in unique ways and, ahem, often need a little more character training than your average Joe. For these reasons, you might find the following series useful.
Living Literature – Gifted kids often eat up books. These lists will keep you armed with great literature.
Brain Training – Gifted children sometimes have behaviors and/or asynchronous learning that brain training can help.
Living Math – Living math activities can be great for those who need extra help with math or those who need additional ideas to go further.
Nature Study – Some gifted kids have very active bodies as well as minds. Nature study is a great method for learning that satisfies both needs.
Using Picture Books to Teach Writing – This technique is great for students who both love and hate to write.
Project-Based Learning – Project-based learning is one of my favorite ways to allow students some freedom in learning that also leads to incredible depth in understanding.
Teaching Values– These tactics will help you deal with some of those less-than-stellar behaviors that tend to follow gifted kids.
Gifted Homeschooling Around the Web
I’ve spoken about gifted homeschooling with some very dear friends and I’d love for you to join in on the conversations.
If you’d like to keep up with what’s going on in our gifted homeschool, you can join me on Instagram or Facebook. I also frequently pin interesting gifted finds on Pinterest.
More Resources for Your Homeschool:
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