Middle School

Big black and yellow Mud Dauber advertising a mud dauber nature study podcast

Mud Daubers Nature Study

When I tell you that we’re learning about wasps today, will you stick around? I hope so! I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and I’m looking forward to today’s mud dauber nature study with you! Mud Dauber Nature Study Does the thought of learning about wasps bring to mind painful stings that…

Hissing light brown water snake with yellow eyes. To advertise a water snake nature study podcast

Water Snakes Nature Study

Hello and welcome to a slithery sort of science lesson today. I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and I sure hope you’ll give this episode a chance even if the topic of water snake nature study seems a little scary. Do you think you can handle it? Let’s go! Are snakes scary?…

Advertising a stars of summer nature study podcast, there is a beautiful array of purple and pink sky with bright stars

Stars Nature Study

Have you looked up into the night sky recently? That’s exactly what I’m going to challenge you to do during this stars nature study. I’m Mrs. Cindy from NSNS LIVE and I’m glad you’re joining me for some bite-sized science this week! Stars Nature Study When you look into the sky at night, what are…

White and yellow daisies in a field of green

Daisy Nature Study

Hi friends! Thanks for coming along with me today for some delightful daisy nature study. I’m Mrs. Cindy and I’m glad you’re here! Daisy Nature Study If I asked you to describe a daisy, what would you say? If I asked ten people to describe daisies to me, I bet most of them would tell…

hummingbird at a red flower sipping nectar

Hummingbird Nature Study

Hi! Thanks for joining me for the hummingbird nature study today. We’re going to learn about the most agile birds in the world! I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and here we go… Hummingbirds Are Agile What does agile mean? House flies are agile. So are dragonflies. Cheetahs, chimpanzees, and border collies…

fireflies at dusk along a road with a mountain in the background

Firefly Nature Study

Enjoy firefly nature study in the late spring and early summer when bioluminescence abounds at dusk! It’s so exciting to be back with you for another season of the NSNS podcast. This summer, we’ll be learning about all sorts of fun and interesting bite-sized topics together! Just like last season, each episode will encourage you…