Christian Homeschooling

Christian homeschooling encompasses more than just school time.  It really should be about how we do life – Bible study, character lessons, prayer time, daily attitudes, serving others, diligently and joyfully working, enjoying family time, worshiping together and so much more.  In these articles I have tried to share everything from how I plan our daily Bible time and fantastic resources to help along the way to specific character training lessons and service project ideas that strive to build your children up as you point them to your Father.

On My Mind

I listened to Casting Crown’s While You Were Sleeping many times this Christmas season.  Each time, I was moved.  Each time, I found myself silently (or not so silently sometimes) saying, “Amen.” Listen for yourself. I was particularly moved by “As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies that save the trees and kill the children…”…

Names of Jesus Unit

This has been such a relaxing and awesome study!  Using Easy Fun School’s free unit titled The Names of Jesus, we’ve spent a little time each day focusing on one of His names from the Bible and creating a scrapbook-style keepsake for each name. I chose not to include most of the other suggestions from…

Father/Son, Mother/Daughter Day

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned here before that my husband accepted the youth minister position at church earlier in the year.  Because I’m his help-meet we work with children from about kindergarten through high school.  Honestly, it’s been a tough adjustment for me – even playing a huge role in me deciding to give…

Kids and Money

  Teaching Biblical Stewardship and Allowances This topic can go so many different ways based on the preferences of parents.  I’m offering just a brief overview of how we handle kids and money in our house.  I’d love to hear some of your ideas and thoughts about raising money-wise, generous children. God tells us to…

The Mother’s Banquet

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m part of a WONDERFUL co-op.  Our leader, Cathy, is celebrating her 10th anniversary since starting the group. I’ve been incredibly blessed this year to help Cathy out by leading the Mom’s Room.  The best way I can describe the Mom’s Room is in a series of words and phrases: prayer,…

Living in the Light

These are the notes from a devotion I had the pleasure of giving at co-op this week. Living as Children of the Light Leads Children to the Light Read Ephesians 4: 17-32, 5:1-33 This passage gives us a very clear picture of living in the light vs. living in darkness. Light being things like:TruthfulnessPeaceHonestyWholesome talk…

Toy Jail

Our toys are in jail.  They have visitation rights, but very limited.  You see, since I couldn’t lock the messy children up, the toys had to be the ones to suffer. They’ve been in jail for almost a month now and the time apart from the children seems to be doing everyone well. We took…

Overcoming Homeschool Burnout

Yep, the season for burnout is upon us.  Better days are ahead for those who hang in there.  I’m hoping this is one blog you can disregard because everything is joyful and sweet in your homeschool.  If not, I hope some of these ideas will perk up your blahs. Symptoms of Burnout fatigue impatience lack…

4-H Lap Robes

Have you ever heard of Warm Fuzzies for Cancer Patients?  I hadn’t either, but our 4-H extension agent did some research and found this wonderful program for us to take part.  Groups (or individuals) make fleece lap blankets and donate them to cancer centers.   So, that’s what our 4-H group did this week.  Our blankets…

The Peace Place

A peace place.  A place for my children (or myself) to go when we are not being peaceful.  A time-out of sorts, but focused on God and His desires for us.  A quiet and comfortable place for us to reflect on why we haven’t been peaceful and to ask forgiveness.  A place to rid ourselves of frustration,…