Christian Homeschooling

Christian homeschooling encompasses more than just school time.  It really should be about how we do life – Bible study, character lessons, prayer time, daily attitudes, serving others, diligently and joyfully working, enjoying family time, worshiping together and so much more.  In these articles I have tried to share everything from how I plan our daily Bible time and fantastic resources to help along the way to specific character training lessons and service project ideas that strive to build your children up as you point them to your Father.

An idea bubble with bible verses written in it and the word "GRACE" on top.

Growing Hearts

(This post contains affiliate links.) Growing Hearts and Minds James 3:13-17 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny…

On My Heart and Mind…Hope

  Suicide. Rape. Drugs. Alcohol. Beatings. Sex trafficking. Demon/Ghost Hunting. We’ve walked beside teens and families dealing with each of these in the last few months. Why would God peel so many layers from our naive eyes in such a short time?  I’m not sure yet. It hasn’t been easy talking with our children (16,…

Imperfect Homeschooling

Homeschooling Imperfection at my house?  Yes.  Oh, yes. I love homeschooling.  Love it.  But let me tell you, some moments aren’t warm and fuzzy.  Homeschooling is life.  Real life.  And real life can be tough. A messy house, piles of laundry and dishes, not knowing what we’ll eat for supper…at suppertime, a lawn begging to…

Our Girls from World Help

These girls pulled on my heart strings.  Manjeri and Sure are from Uganda and our family had the pure pleasure of hosting them in our home for one short weekend while they were in for a presentation at our church.  One short weekend.  I never knew how close I could grow to two complete strangers…

Homeschool Service Projects

I’ve written about the importance of adding service projects to your homeschool before, but I want to reiterate how BIG making time to help others can be in the life your family. Setting up for our homeless guests at church I’m constantly amazed at the spiritual growth I see in my children as we take…

Dr. Seuss in Middle School

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  In honor of his birthday, some of my blogging friends and I would like to share some fun ideas for teaching from Dr. Seuss in middle school.  The content of so many Dr. Seuss books is far more rich than you might imagine! Dr. Seuss in Middle School: The Sneetches Our…

Illustration of a boy with his back to the camera doing a math problem on a blackboard. The image is about Homeschooling Seriously

Homeschooling, Seriously

“My child will never have a job where he needs to know algebra.  We’re just teaching consumer math and being done with it.” “I know God isn’t preparing my child for college, so I don’t plan to worry too much about high school requirements.” “As long as my kids know the Lord, the rest of…