Christian Homeschooling

Christian homeschooling encompasses more than just school time.  It really should be about how we do life – Bible study, character lessons, prayer time, daily attitudes, serving others, diligently and joyfully working, enjoying family time, worshiping together and so much more.  In these articles I have tried to share everything from how I plan our daily Bible time and fantastic resources to help along the way to specific character training lessons and service project ideas that strive to build your children up as you point them to your Father.

An Amazing 4-H Club

Just recently, our local 4-H agent, Lois, started a Homeschool 4-H Club.  Can I just tell you how awesome it is??? We decided early on that we wanted it to be hands-on, meaningful and service oriented.  Forget the meeting minutes and officers and such!  Well, we met for our first meeting this week and it exceeded…

A Bad Day

Well, it happened.  We’ve been working towards this for a while now.  We had a really bad homeschooling day.  You know, one of those days Todd “The Familyman” Wilson describes in his cartoon book.  The husband comes home from work to find mom missing in action.  After several minutes of searching, he finds her locked in…

A Super Woman Question

A friend of mine sent me an email the other day with a few questions.  I thought they were very important questions that deserved very real answers.  Here’s a portion of the email….. ……I just want to know where you find all of your time! Seriously, how do you have time to read other people’s…

Miller Stories

My children pulled all the Miller’s books out again the other day.  I can’t tell you how much we’ve enjoyed these books!   From the time they were preschoolers and we started reading Storytime With the Millers, my children have intently listened to and learned from the stories.  I think they’re so good, in fact, that they were…

Make Memories

  You’re sitting around the dining room table some Sunday afternoon 20 or 30 years from now with your children and grandchildren.What will your children want to talk about? I hope my children have rich stories full of wonderful memories to talk about!I hope there will be many bright and beautiful moments that stand out…

Prayer For Children

I found this on BlessedBeingMom’s blog and wanted to remember it. Ways to pray for your children (author is unknown to me) Monday~ Pray they will know Christ as Savior early in life. (Ps. 63:1, 2Tim 3:15) PRay they will have a hatred for sin and evil. (Ps. 97:10) Tuesday~ Pray they will have a…

Happy At Home

Whatever the answer to our rut, I know God will put us back on track soon.  He always has, and there have been many ruts in the road on our journey so far.  The hardest part about a rut is that Satan loves to find you in one.  For me, that’s the time when he…