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Human Body Systems

Human Body Unit Study: covers all body systems; literature-based; hands-on

Considering God’s Creation has been the spine curriculum for our 6th grade human body study.  As always, I added a few things here and there to amp things up a notch.  So, besides the {wonderful} notebooking pages that come with Considering God’s Creation, we did the activities and worksheets below, too.

Sadly, I don’t have links to most of the worksheets since they came from a folder of things I began collecting years ago as a teacher in the public school system.  Likely, you can search for similar freebie worksheets online.

Skeletal System – A large skeleton put together with brads helped Caleb practice matching bones to their names.

Circulatory System – A colored chart of the heart reinforced how oxygenated blood comes from the lungs and is pumped into the arteries from the left side of the heart, and how blood carrying carbon dioxide and other wastes comes in from the veins and is pumped into the lungs in the right side of the heart.

An activity and worksheet from the R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Preview download

strengthened his understanding of  blood contents.

A blood compatibility experiment allowed Caleb to decide what types of blood someone could safely receive if in need of a transfusion.

Nervous System The Ectomy Game from Ellen McHenry’s Basement Workshop was a great addition to learning about the functions of various parts of the brain.

Digestive System – Along with a study of the digestive system, I had Caleb read a book on nutrition.  He also completed an experiment to see which foods contain fats, designed a day’s menu following the food pyramid guide, created a model of the teeth, and experimented with the effects of soda on tooth enamel.  (We used a cow tooth found on a nature walk.)

Respiratory System – Nothin’ special beyond Considering God’s Creation and a library book.

Muscular System – Well, the plan was to have a magnificent drawing of the major muscles.  This is what I got.  Ahem, someone was in a hurry to get outside to enjoy the unusually wonderful March temperatures.  At least he can name the muscles, right?

We also completed a muscular graphing experiment.  Caleb had to push a clothespin open as many times as possible within 20 seconds and note the results on a line graph.  He did this four times with only a moment’s rest between each trial.  The point (besides adding a little living math to the study) was to examine muscle fatigue.

Integumentary System – A stimulus response experiment showed us that nerve receptors in the skin can be fooled.

Endocrine System – Nothin’ special besides CGC and a library book.

Excretory System – Same here.

Reproductive System – And same here.

Human Body Living Books

EVERY lesson always began with a book.

The Body Book: Easy-to-Make Hands-on Models That TeachSee Inside Your BodyMe and My Amazing BodyWhat Happens to a Hamburger? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)The Magic School Bus Inside the Human BodyA Journey through the Digestive System with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science)The Brain: All about Our Nervous System and More! (Smithsonian-science)Bones: Our Skeletal SystemThe Skeleton Inside You (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)Muscles: Our Muscular SystemYou can't make a move without your muscles (Let's-read-and-find-out science book)A Drop of Blood (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)The Basics of Cell Life with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science)Germs Make Me Sick! (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)Understanding Viruses with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science)The Surprising World of Bacteria with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science)Your Skin and Mine: Revised Edition (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)How Many Teeth? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)Eyes and Ears


This bingo game from The Human Body Thematic Unit was a fun review of all the body systems.

We also used The Utterly Amazing Human Body lift-the-flap book as a fun review before the final test.  And, Human Body: A Visual Encyclopedia as a a more serious review before the final test.

Utterly Amazing Human BodyHuman Body: A Visual Encyclopedia


I don’t often give tests, but I have to keep Caleb on his toes, so a test fit the bill after this unit.  It was actually quite simple to put together.  I just took a ton of workbook pages from The Human Body by Frank Schaffer, stapled them together, gave him a due date and slapped a grade on the packet.

Another unit bites the dust!  Well, almost.  We spent some time studying cells and DNA, too.  Click the image below if you’re interested in those activities, too.

Cells and DNA: Hands On Lessons | Our Journey Westward

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  1. Nice! I particularly liked (and hadn’t seen before) the blood compatibility experiment. I’ll have to check that out as we study the body next year!

  2. What a great study of the body. We love the smithsonian books.

  3. My 11-year old was looking over my shoulder as I read this post. She said, “woah, that is cool!” Referring to you guys studying the human body!

  4. Aadel, I was looking for the like button when I read your comment! LOL (These lessons were done with my 11 year old son.)

  5. This is AWESOME! Do you mind if I pin this?

  6. This is AWESOME!! THANK YOU for sharing!!

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