Creation Club

Jr. Master Gardener Class

You cannot even imagine how wonderful our Jr. Master Gardener class (aka Botany Lab) has been.  Our horticulture extension agent rocks! We’ve only had four classes so far and have covered tons of topics –  plant parts, flower parts, soil types, the water cycle, ecology, organic pesticides and fertilizers, insects and pollination!  Everything has been…

The Easter Story in Nature worksheet with a crown of thorns in the corner.

The Easter Story: A Nature Walk

  Easter Nature Study It’s been awhile since my Creation Club met for nature study together. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share the Easter story with them and do some mini-hunts based on the ideas suggested in Nature Study Through the Holidays: Easter. Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For the class, I also created…

May’s Creation Club

This month’s Creation Club focus was on creeks and creek banks.  Sadly, though, the creek bank was grown up more than I had imagined and we didn’t get to do nearly as much exploring as planned.  For me, it didn’t matter because I can enjoy any nature walk.  For the children expecting to explore a…

July’s Creation Club

July’s meeting was less of a nature day and more a celebration of water.  We had a water field day!  Each of the moms brought a water game or two which turned out to be tons of fun. Let’s see, the kids played a relay carrying containers of water on their heads, a sponge and bucket relay, and…

June’s Creation Club

Yep, we’re still as busy as beavers around here!  I thought I’d stop in for a few minutes to show you some of the fun from our Creation Club this month….. We met at the local cemetery.  Cemeteries are wonderful for nature study!  Typically, they have a huge variety of trees, shrubs, fungi, weathering and…

A jug tied to a stick is drug through a pond. An image for a blog post about ponds

Creation Club – Ponds

This post contains affiliate links. So here’s what I had envisioned. A peaceful day at the pond with children who ever-so-quietly and diligently explored life in and around the pond.  Children who would pull out their nature journals at every interesting find, writing lovely poems and prayers.  A day of discovery and awe. Here’s what happened….

Our First Creation Club

Even with almost half of our club missing due to a funeral/illness/traveling, the first ever meeting of our Creation Club was a BLAST!  This month’s theme focused on why we study God’s creation and how God has perfectly designed plant and animal interdependency through food chains and predator/prey relationships. The meeting started with a reading of Psalm 95:…