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2019-20 Nature Study Book List to Supplement No Sweat Nature Study LIVE Lessons

We are having an amazing time in the No Sweat Nature Study LIVE membership! If you haven’t joined us there yet, it’s never too late!

Learn science through nature study, create notebooking pages, and have FUN in No Sweat Nature Study LIVE classes. This nature study booklist goes along with the lessons!

What is No Sweat Nature Study LIVE?

Twice a month, your 1st-8th graders can take part in fun, interactive, LIVE science lessons with a nature study twist. Within each 30-45 minute lesson, your students learn scientific concepts and vocabulary, while creating incredible nature journal pages.

Learn science through nature study, create notebooking pages, and have FUN in No Sweat Nature Study LIVE classes.

Can’t commit to LIVE lessons? No worries! Members get 24/7 access to a video library of every single previously recorded lesson – all of which can be viewed at your convenience.

I haven’t even mentioned the downloadable supplementary materials, free curriculum, bonus video lessons, and store discounts that come along with membership! It’s worth every penny!!

Learn science through nature study, create notebooking pages, and have FUN in No Sweat Nature Study LIVE classes.

Feel free to check out a sample lesson to see what No Sweat Nature Study LIVE is all about!

2019-20 Nature Study Book List

And, this nature study book list is one more fantastic perk. For each and every No Sweat Nature Study LIVE lesson, at least one helpful book has been added to this list of living books and nature guides that parents and teachers can use to add even more learning to the LIVE lessons.

If you aren’t a member yet, these books will be great reads in your homeschool or classroom. However, your students will get a TON more benefit using these alongside the LIVE lessons.


Why Evergreens Keep Their LeavesFrom Cone to Pine Tree (Start to Finish, Second Series)The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown-UpsA Wish to Be a Christmas Tree



My Book of Rocks and Minerals: Things to Find, Collect, and TreasureSmithsonian Handbooks: Rocks & Minerals (Smithsonian Handbooks) (DK Smithsonian Handbook)National Geographic Kids Everything Rocks and Minerals: Dazzling gems of photos and info that will rock your world


Squashes and Gourds

Too Many PumpkinsSophie's Squash


Animal Tracks

Tracks, Scats and Signs (Take Along Guides)Big Tracks, Little Tracks: Following Animal Prints (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 1)



BatsZipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)National Geographic Readers: BatsStellaluna 25th Anniversary Edition


Hay Bales

Hurry! by Jessie Haas (2000-05-03)MowingHey, Hey, Hay!


Patterns in Nature

Swirl by Swirl (board book): Spirals in NatureBlockhead: The Life of FibonacciShape Me a Rhyme: Nature's Forms in Poetry



The MoonflowerGregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas


Night Views

Find the ConstellationsFind the ConstellationsThe Magic School Bus Lost In The Solar SystemThe Magic School Bus Lost In The Solar SystemThe Sky Is Awake! The Constellations - Astronomy for Beginners | Children's Astronomy & Space BooksThe Sky Is Awake! The Constellations – Astronomy for Beginners | Children’s Astronomy & Space BooksStar Finder!: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Night SkyStar Finder!: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Night Sky


Hopping Insects

Are You a Grasshopper? (Backyard Books)Chirping Crickets (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2)My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis (A Nature Diary)


Bird Nests

Birds, Nests & Eggs (Take Along Guides)Bird Nests: Amazingly Ingenious and Intricate (Bird Appreciation)The Nest That Wren BuiltMama Built a Little NestBird Builds a Nest: A First Science Storybook


The Water Cycle

A Drop Around the WorldWater Is Water: A Book About the Water CycleThe Water Cycle at Work (Water In Our World)



Caves (Nature in Action)Journey to the Bottomless Pit: The Story of Stephen Bishop & Mammoth CaveExploring Caves: Journeys into the Earth


The Color Wheel in Nature

The Big Book of Color: An adventurous journey into the magical & marvelous world of color! (Big Book Series)Hailstones and Halibut Bones: Adventures in Poetry and ColorMiss Rumphius



Way to Glow! Amazing Creatures that Light Up in the DarkFireflies (Nocturnal Animals)Night of the Moonjellies


John James Audubon

The Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John James Audubon (Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12)This Strange Wilderness: The Life and Art of John James Audubon


Riparian Zones Nature Lesson

The RaftMarshes & SwampsWould You Rather Be a Pollywog: All About Pond Life (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)Crawdad Creek


Erosion Nature Lesson

Cracking Up: A Story About Erosion (Science Works)Weathering and Erosion (Science Readers: Content and Literacy)Erosion: Changing Earth's Surface (Amazing Science)


New Growth in Nature Lesson

Robins!: How They Grow UpRobins!: How They Grow UpSpring: An Alphabet AcrosticSpring: An Alphabet Acrostic


Stinky Critters Lesson

Eek, You Reek!: Poems about Animals That Stink, Stank, StunkEek, You Reek!: Poems about Animals That Stink, Stank, StunkWelcome to the World of Skunks (Welcome to the World Series)Welcome to the World of Skunks (Welcome to the World Series)


Cones Lesson

From Cone to Pine Tree (Start to Finish, Second Series)From Cone to Pine Tree (Start to Finish, Second Series)The Pinecone WalkThe Pinecone Walk


Hibernation Lesson

What Is Hibernation? (The Science of Living Things)What Is Hibernation? (The Science of Living Things)Over and Under the SnowOver and Under the SnowAnimals in Winter (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science)Animals in Winter (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science)The Snowy NapThe Snowy NapHush Up and HibernateHush Up and Hibernate


Sedimentary Rocks Lesson

What Are Sedimentary Rocks? (Let's Rock!)What Are Sedimentary Rocks? (Let’s Rock!)Rocas sedimentarias/ Sedimentary Rocks (¡súper Geología!/ Geology Rocks!) (Spanish Edition)Rocas sedimentarias/ Sedimentary Rocks (¡súper Geología!/ Geology Rocks!) (Spanish Edition)


Birds in Winter Lesson

A Bird In Winter: A Children's Book Inspired by Peter BreugelA Bird In Winter: A Children’s Book Inspired by Peter BreugelBackyard Birds of WinterBackyard Birds of Winter


Christmas in Nature Lesson

Where Would I Be in an Evergreen Tree?Where Would I Be in an Evergreen Tree?From Cone to Pine Tree (Start to Finish, Second Series)From Cone to Pine Tree (Start to Finish, Second Series)Why Evergreens Keep Their LeavesWhy Evergreens Keep Their Leaves


Appalachia Lesson

A is for Appalachia: The Alphabet Book of Appalachian HeritageA is for Appalachia: The Alphabet Book of Appalachian HeritageAppalachia: The Voices of Sleeping BirdsAppalachia: The Voices of Sleeping BirdsWhen I Was Young in the Mountains (Reading Rainbow Books)When I Was Young in the Mountains (Reading Rainbow Books)


Lichens Lesson

Keys to Lichens of North America: Revised and ExpandedKeys to Lichens of North America: Revised and Expanded


Turkeys Lesson

All About TurkeysAll About Turkeys


Seed Dispersal Lesson

Seed Dispersers (Team Earth)Seed Dispersers (Team Earth)A Seed Is Sleepy: (Nature Books for Kids, Environmental Science for Kids)A Seed Is Sleepy: (Nature Books for Kids, Environmental Science for Kids)A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds (Exceptional Nonfiction Titles for Primary Grades)A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds (Exceptional Nonfiction Titles for Primary Grades)


Spiders Lesson

SpidersSpidersNational Geographic Readers: SpidersNational Geographic Readers: SpidersSpinning Spiders (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)Spinning Spiders (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)


Nuts Lesson

Berries, Nuts, And Seeds (Take Along Guides)Berries, Nuts, And Seeds (Take Along Guides)Because of an Acorn: (Nature Autumn Books for Children, Picture Books about Acorn Trees)Because of an Acorn: (Nature Autumn Books for Children, Picture Books about Acorn Trees)


Squirrels Lesson

Rabbits, Squirrels and Chipmunks: Take-Along Guide (Take Along Guides)Rabbits, Squirrels and Chipmunks: Take-Along Guide (Take Along Guides)Squirrel's Family TreeSquirrel’s Family Tree


Photosynthesis Lesson

Gets Planted: A Book About Photosynthesis (The Magic School Bus)Gets Planted: A Book About Photosynthesis (The Magic School Bus)Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science)Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science)


Cattails Lesson

Near One Cattail: Turtles, Logs and Leaping FrogsNear One Cattail: Turtles, Logs and Leaping FrogsCattail Moonshine & Milkweed Medicine: The Curious Stories of 43 Amazing North American Native PlantsCattail Moonshine & Milkweed Medicine: The Curious Stories of 43 Amazing North American Native Plants



  1. Viviane Aziz says:

    this booklist is great . is it possible to add the books to the nature study pdf we receive for every live lesson ?
    with the time difference between you and where we live we keep missing the live lessons but grateful that we can watch the recording .

  2. Viviane, I’m so glad you are able to enjoy the lessons even though you can’t make it live. Yay for internet technologies! I typically write the supplementary packets pretty far in advance and do my book recommendation research closer to the class date. If I can find a way to easily switch up my work flow, I’ll do it, but I’m in a pretty hard-to-break habit at this point. LOL

  3. Great read!!! Thanks for sharing such a great blog, blog like these will surely help each and every homeschoolers in homeschooling their children in best way.

  4. Tammy Pfeifer says:

    Is there a booklist for upcoming lessons this month for march?

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