Homeschool Curriculum: My Top Picks K-12
I’m sharing some of my very favorite homeschool curriculum with you today. I hope you find some treasures!
Before we get started, did you know I have a master’s degree in elementary education and taught in a classroom for several years? Yep. Why does that matter? Well, I’ve been trained to recognize a good curriculum.
Flip the coin. Did you know I’ve homeschooled three children from PK-12 over the last 20 years? Yep. Why does that matter? I’ve had the opportunity to put “good curriculum” to the test many times over in the one-on-one and/or family-style situations of homeschooling.
Did you know over the years, I’ve reviewed well over 100 homeschooling products? Yep. Am I trying to impress you? Nope. But, I’ve seen and used some of the most well-known and well-respected curricula out there.
Did you know I write homeschool curriculum? Yep. What’s my point? In some cases, I’ve seen gaps in homeschooling curriculum that needed to be filled OR found exciting ways of learning that I just had to share.
So, all that to say…I know homeschool curriculum.
Over the years, a handful of exceptional materials have risen to the top as curriculum choices that I continually turn to and can heartily recommend.
Favorite Homeschool Curriculum: Top Picks by Grade
Kindergarten-2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Why no preschool recommendations? A formal curriculum in the preschool years isn’t necessary. I much prefer lots and lots of read-alouds, along with gentle, playful learning opportunities through nature walks, simple experiments, art, cooking with mom, hands-on exploration, dramatic play, etc.
3rd-5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Middle School Homeschool Curriculum
High School Homeschool Curriculum
In case you’re wondering, our homeschool style is eclectically Charlotte Mason. In other words, the framework of our studies and schedule is built on Charlotte Mason’s principles. At the same time, we loosely follow a four-year Classical model for science and history AND utilize unit studies with project-based learning when appropriate.
The curricula that I consider tried and true have worked time and again in our homeschool – which includes eclectic methods and children with very different learning styles. For those reasons, I feel like the lists I’ve provided are solid considerations for any homeschool. HOWEVER, it’s very important to understand that no two homeschools are alike. Take my recommendations with a grain of salt and always do what works for your family.
Tell me! Do you have a favorite homeschool curriculum that’s not on one of my lists?
Thanks Cindy for this. I have already been looking into differ curriculum for my son for 2015/2016 school year. I am excited to see in Spelling you chose the Spelling Workout. Funny. I have been reviewing this curriculum to go along with All About Spelling( Don’t get me wrong, I love All About Spelling, I just felt like my son needed more practice) and right before I read your blog on it I had just ordered it. So thanks. Makes me feel good to know I am choosing a curriculum that is right for my son. Thanks and Happy New Year.
Jill Blake
Isn’t it nice when our decisions are affirmed, Jill? I love when that happens! I hope you find Spelling Workout to be as good for your homeschool as it has been for ours. Happy New Year to you, too!
Please give me a call at 909 518-2805
Jackie, please email me at [email protected] for questions. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing this resource. I took a pandemic for parents to realize how rewarding homeschooling their child can place them ahead academically and also build their self-esteem. My mom homeschooled my two younger brothers before returning them back to high school and than they went to early college.