Middle School

Bee on yellow flower advertising nature study classes

Bee Nature Study

Bees are insects that belong to the same family as ants and wasps. Yes, they are related to ants! Additionally, there are over 20,000 different species of bees in the world. As you can already see, bee nature study is fascinating and I’m excited for you to learn alongside me! One of the best things…

children demonstrating science experiments for a chemistry show

Chemistry Project for Kids

This chemistry project for kids was one of the highlights of the school year for my children! It also happened to be our last project of the school year, which means we just wrapped up a long and fruitful homeschool year.  In our homeschool, we follow a four-year cycle for science. Besides the weekly (or…

Bowl of ripe, red strawberries

Strawberry Nature Study

One of the wonderful things about the approach of warm weather are all of the yummy things that are in season and maybe even growing in your own garden or backyard! One of those special seasonal treats is strawberries! Strawberry nature study has to be one of the yummies things you can study in the…

Open book laying on the grass. Used for a blog post about how to make friends with books.

How To Make Friends with Books

What is a friend? Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English language defines a friend as, “One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection, which lead him to desire his company.” I can easily apply that definition as I make friends with books and I…

Lightning and clouds at night

Thunderstorm Nature Study

What do you think about the possibility of completing a thunderstorm nature study? Whether you love the idea or not, we will definitely stay VERY safe from harm’s way this week. You see, thunderstorms can be dangerous severe weather events because of the electrifying lightning. But first, how do you feel about thunderstorms? Are they…

Red salamander near green leaf

Salamander Nature Study for Kids

Salamanders are elusive creatures that can make salamander nature study both difficult and exciting. The two times I’ve come upon them in the wild were certainly exciting and quite memorable for me. In this podcast episode, you’ll hear about those two experiences! Salamanders are amphibians, which puts them in the same class as frogs and…

swampy pool of water filled with trees

Vernal Pools Nature Study

Instead of studying a particular type of plant or animal, we are going to explore an entire habitat in this vernal pools nature study! Have you ever heard of the term “vernal pool”? I bet you know the word “pool” but do you know what “vernal” means? I can’t wait to tell you all about…