Language Arts

Flow chart about owls with a black and blue owl on the top

Owl Moon Activities

This post contains affiliate links.  Read my entire disclosure policy here. Owl Moon with FIAR I’m so excited to be back in the swing of Five in a Row with my littlest man! My oldest two made so many good memories during learning time using this curriculum.  I likely won’t post about all our studies,…

Homemade travel brochure about the 13 colonies

13 Colonies Travel Brochure

An Easy 13 Colonies Travel Brochure Project In an effort to share more of our project-based learning, I thought I’d highlight Caleb’s latest middle school research & writing assignment.  As part of a Colonial History unit study, Caleb and I read a two great books about the 13 colonies. Afterward, I asked him to choose…

black, red, and pink clipboards sitting on the grass.

Nature Walk Clipboards

While school supply shopping at Walmart the other day, I ran across some clipboard storage boxes in several fun colors.  I remembered Maureen from Spell Out Loud mentioning using these nature walk clipboards with her family, so I put three in my cart.  Wow – they have been a wonderful addition to our nature walks!…

Dr. Seuss in Middle School

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  In honor of his birthday, some of my blogging friends and I would like to share some fun ideas for teaching from Dr. Seuss in middle school.  The content of so many Dr. Seuss books is far more rich than you might imagine! Dr. Seuss in Middle School: The Sneetches Our…

Notebooking Success Review

Check out what Jimmie of Jimmie’s Collage and Notebooking Fairy has written!  What a gem it is! This post contains affiliate links.  Read my entire disclosure policy here. Clear.  Concise.  Full of practical ideas.  Easy to implement.  Very motivating!  Those are phrases that perfectly describe Notebooking Success by my blogging friend, Jimmie. I’m not new…

A image of a shelf of books used as a blog post for teaching values

Teaching Values with Books

Welcome to Day 2 of my 10 Days of… series on Teaching Values in your homeschool! One of the easiest things you can do in your homeschool is teach values with books and that’s exactly what I’ll show you how to do! This post contains affiliate links. Teaching Values with Books Today I’m writing about…

Teaching Computer Skills

Children of the 21st century simply must be knowledgeable about and capable with computers.  Besides typing programs and internet research,  I like to assign occasional projects that are computer-based.  I thought you might like to see the most recent projects… Writing is something that Caleb does NOT like.  But, when the writing is (at least…

Christmas Nature Books

There are so many great Christmas books to read with your children! I’ve posted about some of my top favorites from years past.  But, since I write nature studies, I thought I’d highlight some of my favorite Christmas picture books that relate well with nature study. Really good ones are few and far between, with…

The Lonely P

Eli wrote his very first story a few weeks ago called The Lonely P.  I thought I’d post it for my new friends Kim Kautzer and Debbie Oldar, authors of WriteShop.  They were our wonderful, WONDERFUL booth neighbors at the Midwest Homeschool Convention last week.  They are such sweet mentors!  Be sure to check out…