Language Arts

Blog image about using picture books to teach narrative writing. Green pencil image with images of little picture books.

Picture Books That Demonstrate Narrative Writing for Older Students

If there’s one subject that seems to befuddle homeschoolers more than any other, it’s writing. I hear it during homeschool consultations and casually talking among homeschool friends. Plus, I see questions about it all over the internet. People are often surprised when I tell them I don’t formally teach writing until middle school. Really, I don’t. And here’s…

11 Tips for Raising Readers

11 Tips for Raising Readers

Did you know March is National Reading Month? Because living books are so very good, every month is all about reading in our house!  But in honor of this annual celebration of reading, I thought I’d take some time to share some of my best tips for raising readers. 11 Tips for Raising Readers Not only…