Creative Homeschooling

One of the main goals I set early on in our homeschool was to give my children a love of learning.  Creative homeschooling is the mode I’ve used to successfully do that.  Don’t think that you can never put your child in front of a textbook or computer screen to homeschool creatively!  Instead, think of it as offering your children curriculum and styles to meet their needs.  Sometimes that will be a textbook or computer class.  Other times, it may be a unit study, living literature, field trips, games, project-based learning, co-op classes, or interest-based studies.  These articles show you how.  Be inspired!

girl with ponytail in a pink bow advertising a blog post

68 Gifts for Girly Girls

Do you have a girly girl in your life? My daughter can muck the dirtiest of stalls in her Carhartt coveralls then settle in with Jane Auten and hot tea with girlfriends a few hours later. I’m not sure whether to call her a girly girl or not, but I do know that she’s enjoyed…

Bright orange carrots with green tops just pulled out of the ground

Root Vegetables Nature Study

In this root vegetable nature study, children will learn how to look at root veggies through the eyes of a scientist! Do you think every underground veggie happens to be a root veggie? If so, this lesson might surprise you. If you enjoy funschooling during the holidays, this topic fits in nicely during the Thanksgiving…