Art Fundamentals in One Lesson a Week
It’s a good idea for every child to know basic art fundamentals. Whether you have a really “artsy” child or one who prefers reading or math, having them learn about art can be beneficial. It’s always good to push kiddos to try new things. Who knows, maybe after learning some fundamentals, they may fall in love with art! You may have a budding artist in your midst that you never knew about.
This is how we used one simple curriculum and learned so much.

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Art Fundamentals in 2nd Grade
I ran across Adventures in Art, Level 2 by Laura Chapman at a used curriculum sale this summer and it’s been such a treasure!
I’m not much on textbooks, but this happens to be a fabulous textbook that both my son and I have been pleased to use. Written specifically for a 2nd-grade reader, the lessons can be read by my son. I love that! (Even if the text is a bit twaddle-like.)
I also LOVE that each lesson teaches a particular art fundamental and gives at least one example of that fundamental used in real (often famous) artwork. It also gives simple, illustrated directions for an art project to try at home.
In one lesson per week, Eli has been learning about things like color, pattern, texture, line, movement, form, balance, unity, and variety. He’s completed all kinds of simple projects that teach art concepts and gives him experience with various art modes and media.
All I have to do is gather the necessary art supplies then snuggle in with Eli for the short reading lesson and oversee the art project!
Art Fundamentals Projects for Elementary Kids
Paper Collage Project
The particular lesson pictured below focuses on the fundamentals of shape and expression through the creation of a paper collage. Beforehand, I gathered some old scrapbooking paper, cardstock, glue sticks, and a pair of scissors. No special art supplies were necessary – and that rings true with most of the projects.
Found Object Printing Project
In the fun printing activity pictured beloved, the concepts of shape and pattern were taught. All I had to do was gather some tempera paints and paper. Eli helped me find things around the house that might make interesting prints. We pulled out forks, cups, whisks, sponges, blocks, and other fun tools.
Stencil Printing Project
Again focusing on the concept of shape, the activity below expanded the knowledge by talking about similar shapes (a geometry connection!) We created our own stencils from index cards and used paints with foam brushes to create stencil prints.
The art projects look fun, right?
They are! Whether you’re wanting to learn a little or a lot, you can take this book at your own pace. Simply do a lesson or two per month or multiple lessons a week. It is up to you and how interested your kiddos are. As you can see, the lessons aren’t super complex and you likely have most of the supplies around the house. Don’t be intimidated about teaching art. Just grab this book and go with it!
Other Art Resources You Might Like
Our Charlotte Mason homeschool usually focuses on one artist per month where we do picture study and biography study alongside the art. You’ve heard me say many times, though, that a homeschooling method is a guide – not a rule. This year, it’s working better for us to do art the way I’ve mentioned above. Next year, we’ll probably get back into the regularly scheduled plan of once-a-month artist study.
Check out my Pinterest boards dedicated to art projects and artist studies. I only pin the best of the best from the cyber world, so you should find only meaningful, doable projects and ideas.
Do you make time for art in your homeschool? What are your favorite resources?
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Love the printing work you did!
Do you happen to have more insights on this series? I keep trying to Google but there are very little reviews. I see multiple different covers and levels and then some that are labeled 1-6 so I’m very confused. Thank you!
Meredith, as I search for the book, it seems that it’s currently out-of-print. That’s such a shame because it’s excellent! The particular book I used was level 2. Maybe you can find a used copy somewhere.