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Ancient History Helps

We’re more than half-way through our study of ancient history using Ancient Civilizations and the Bible by Diana Waring.  As we’ve gotten to know the curriculum, I’ve found a few things to be extremely useful in helping my children “see” and understand the material.  By no means are they necessary in order to complete the program, but they’ve proven to make the difference in understanding, especially for my 5th grader.

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A visual Bible timeline has helped us make connections between what was going on in the Bible during the growth of major world civilizations discussed in the text. This one is not exactly like the one below, but looks very similar.

We were lucky enough to stumble upon all the Unfolding History: Ancient World History wall timelines at a curriculum sale a few years ago.  They have been helpful in visually placing certain people and events with certain civilizations, and in helping us see that several civilizations were growing at once.

A world map is very important for putting civilizations and travels in perspective.  This one is about the same size as ours and I’ve found the large size to be of great value.

And finally, since mapping is a large part of each unit, I’ve found this book great for giving my children the physical and political viewpoints necessary for completing the assignments.  Not just any atlas includes specific Bible/ancient history maps right in one easy-to-find place, but this one has included everything we’ve need so far for mapping research – and the maps are in color.

The Student Bible Atlas, Revised Edition



  1. I haven’t used it sorry. I’ve been using History through the Ages which does a little timeline and offers book lists for all different age groups. I really like it so far. I had purchased the Truthquest book also and so I’ve been using both this year. The Truthquest book is really good too. I’ve enjoyed both

  2. I just wanted to let you know that it looks like Rainbow Resource has the Milliken Fold-Out Timelines. I searched their website under “timelines”.

    We put together our own timelines as we go, but I think having one on the wall as a reference would be a good idea. We’re back to the ancients next year, so the timelines are going on my wish list. Thanks!


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