The Letter J
Preschool Lessons for the Letter J
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Since the letter J fell so close to Christmas, Jesus was our main topic! Of course, we couldn’t forget fun things like jelly beans and jam cookies, so there’s a hodgepodge of fun in here.
We completed several fun printables from 1+1+1=1. Find her wonderful Preschool Nativity Pack here.
Christmas cutting practice pages from Confessions of a Homeschooler were fun.
Small motor skill practice is hard work with giant tongs. Again, this came from Confessions of a Homeschooler on her letter J page.
After reading a Bible story about Paul and Silas in jail, Eli made his own little jail.
Eli did several jobs in honor of the letter J.
Jelly bean graphing was yummy!
Thumbprint jam cookies were yummier! Ignore the pan, it’s time for new ones. 🙂
Jigsaw puzzles are always fun.
Journey to the Amazon, a game about the jungle, fit perfectly.
The Animal Boogie (Jungles)
Pray and Play Bible (Paul and Silas in Jail)