10 Living Books for Christian Teen Girls
Raising Christian teens isn’t so hard when you have a little help. The Bible, a supportive church and great living books for Christian teen girls are three of my greatest tools! I’ve read many of these books with my sweet teenage daughter and I’m always amazed at her growth and understanding on topics of growth in Christ, service and purity. I pray your daughters find these books to be a blessing, too!

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Living Books for Christian Teen Girls
Before You Meet Prince Charming: A Guide to Radiant Purity was read aloud to my entire family (boys included) and had us hooked from the very beginning. Each chapter includes a part of a book-long fairy tale where we watch the princess struggle with the world’s idea of purity versus what she has been taught her whole life. After the fairy tale “episode”, a real-life story and devotion follows in each chapter. We would typically read the fairy tale one day and the devotional part the next. Good stuff! P.S. My oldest son would NEVER admit he enjoyed this book, but I know it gave him a great picture of his role as a “prince” to his future bride.
Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption is a beautiful, real-life account of an eighteen year old girl who answers the call of mission work in Uganda. We have read many biographies of women in missions, but most of those women lived long ago. Katie is current and that goes a long way in the power of the book.
The Three Weavers: A Fairy Tale (1905) is a Lamplighter book – one of two I have added to this list. In the book, three daughters have been given a loom and golden thread with which to weave ideals of their future princes. Each girl’s father has a different response to the project, making a big impression on her marriage relationship. It’s a beautiful tale of purity and a parent’s care that isn’t to be missed.
A Basket Of Flowers is another book where the father has a big impression on the character of his daughter. In the book, the father who raises his daughter on his own teaches her much about life on earth and life in heaven. When trials arise, the daughter remembers the teachings of her father and refuses to compromise her character. A few tears were shed as we read this book!
Apples of Gold: A Parable of Purity is another fairy-tale like story that also happens to be a quick read. Two sisters, who are very different from one another, are each given apples from the governor of their island to protect for the prince until he returns in one week’s time. Rather than give the story away, I’ll just tell you that one girl tends to her apple well and the other doesn’t. The results are very interesting.
Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty is an honest discussion about why modesty is such an important practice. The author tells it like it is as she explains the “power” the female body can have on boys and men. Not for the highly sheltered or young teen, but a practical and important read.
Stepping Heavenward is the story of “one woman’s journey to godliness.” In journal format, the book walks you through the trials, joys and everyday life of a woman who learns that true happiness comes from serving God by serving others. This book will challenge your walk with the Lord.
A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael is a biography of the missionary who spent 53 years in India. Amy is the brave Irish missionary who rescued young girls from temple prostitution slavery. Her story is quite powerful.
A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart can serve as literature or a Bible study. The author, Elizabeth George, focuses on building priorities in life that include prayer, joy and faithfulness. At the same time, practical and Biblical application is given for issues younger teen girls may face in this world.
Beyond Waiting encourages teens and young ladies to use their life for the glory of God no matter their their singleness. So many girls these days are thinking only about the next boyfriend, or waiting for their prince to sweep them off their feet. This book challenges girls to focus on the Lord and His work while waiting.
I’d love for you to tell me YOUR favorite living books for Christian teen girls!
Click here for more amazing living literature lists!
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Great suggestions! Thank you for sharing your book ideas.
I have read A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart, and am looking forward to reading Kisses from Katie. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
How about elementary age girls?
Here ya go, Susan! 🙂 https://ourjourneywestward.com/10-living-books-for-christian-kids/
do you have anything on single mom’s raising young christian teen girls’ in sports. what do you recommend for girls to read during the summer about God. ….Thanks
Phyllis, I’m not familiar with any books about single moms raising Christian teen girls in sports. Sorry. Any of the books on this list would be great reads for the summer!
Phyllis Johnson,
I have a recommended teen series for girls, as well as boys. It’s called The Fuller Creek Series, by David C. Reyes. I have read it myself and its fantastic! Action, adventure, drama and teen romance; all wrapped up with spiritual emphasis throughout the series. Once your teen starts reading, she will be hard pressed to put it down. You can read more about it by going to the author’s website at http://www.dcreyesauthor.com.
Thanks for the recommendation, Abby!
I’ve read Stepping Heavenward and I really appreciated the things I learned from it. These other books look really interesting, I will definitely look into these books. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed week!
Thanks for sharing. These books sound wonderful.
Do you have any recommendations for teenage boys (16 and older)?
Thanks and God bless you!
Su, I do! 🙂 https://ourjourneywestward.com/10-living-books-for-christian-teen-boys/
Are these read daily? What is your schedule. I’m switching to a Charlotte Mason approach from a more formal curriculum-based approach. Just curious how these books are incorporated into the learning.
Randi, these particular books were read as part of our daily Bible and character time. You may find this post helpful to see how I incorporated them into our homeschool day – https://ourjourneywestward.com/planning-homeschool-bible-time/. Let me know if it doesn’t clear up your question. 🙂
Looking for something new in Christian fiction for middle grade and teens? I wrote these books after being an elementary teacher for 29 years and seeing little if any books with Christian themes for my 5th and 6th graders in their school library. I also wanted to make sure they were positive and hopeful messages for my own grandchildren. My two novels are titled Call Me Lizzy and Room 101. You can read the reviews here: https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B0103LFUHS I am always looking for new clean and positive books to read myself! Thanks for your list!
And the Bride Wore White, Redeeming Love and Passion and Purity
Thank you so much for these lists for boys and girls. I have a bunch of these on my amazon wish list! Appreciate you sharing your thoughts on them.
You’re very welcome, Stephanie!