
Cartoon lightbulb with a smiling face and arms. This icon is on an image about a light and sound unit study.

Light and Sound Unit Study

A light and sound unit study works well in a homeschool physics science rotation. Packed full of meaningful activities, experimentation, and exploration, this unit study is perfect for 3rd-7th-grade students! Great informational books and biographies set the stage, while project-based and research-based activities allow for deeper learning on certain topics of interest. Get a downloadable…

Boy observing a gravestone on the blog image for a Cemetery Scavenger Hunt.

A Cemetery Scavenger Hunt Makes a Great History Lesson

Eeeewww! A cemetery scavenger hunt? Are you serious? Yes! Believe it or not, this is a REALLY cool activity because cemeteries are chock-full of history! We’ve visited several cemeteries over the years as we’ve studied our state’s history. And, you might remember the times we’ve utilized our beautiful cemeteries for science purposes like winter nature walks, conifer studies,…

fireflies at dusk along a road with a mountain in the background

Firefly Nature Study

Enjoy firefly nature study in the late spring and early summer when bioluminescence abounds at dusk! It’s so exciting to be back with you for another season of the NSNS podcast. This summer, we’ll be learning about all sorts of fun and interesting bite-sized topics together! Just like last season, each episode will encourage you…