
Bright orange carrots with green tops just pulled out of the ground

Root Vegetables Nature Study

In this root vegetable nature study, children will learn how to look at root veggies through the eyes of a scientist! Do you think every underground veggie happens to be a root veggie? If so, this lesson might surprise you. If you enjoy funschooling during the holidays, this topic fits in nicely during the Thanksgiving…

Green and pink play-doh advertising a class about teaching standard measurement with play-doh

Standard Measurement with Play Dough

This hands-on, literature-based math activity will help your younger students concretely understand the concept of standard measurement. Target Age Range: K-2 Skills Covered: non-standard measurement, standard measurement, making comparisons, fine motor skills, reading Understanding measurement doesn’t have to be hard for little ones. In fact, teaching it early with concrete materials builds an in-depth understanding that…

fireflies at dusk along a road with a mountain in the background

Firefly Nature Study

Enjoy firefly nature study in the late spring and early summer when bioluminescence abounds at dusk! It’s so exciting to be back with you for another season of the NSNS podcast. This summer, we’ll be learning about all sorts of fun and interesting bite-sized topics together! Just like last season, each episode will encourage you…

Dark soil with a single green leaf to promote the nature study podcast about soil

Soil Nature Study

Are you ready for soil nature study today? In this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study podcast, Mrs. Cindy will give you a simple, but fun challenge. Expect to get a little dirty! Normally, we learn about a nature topic first and then you hear about your nature walk challenge, but this one is…