
The Easter Story in Nature worksheet with a crown of thorns in the corner.

The Easter Story: A Nature Walk

  Easter Nature Study It’s been awhile since my Creation Club met for nature study together. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share the Easter story with them and do some mini-hunts based on the ideas suggested in Nature Study Through the Holidays: Easter. Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For the class, I also created…

Boys and Dinosaurs

On Sunday nights at church, I teach a Kidz Group class for children in 1-5th grades.  Right now, I have only little boys in the class.  What better way to catch their attention than to talk about dinosaurs!  Dinosaurs and church??  Of course!  Dinosaurs are a great topic for teaching the authority of the Bible…

Our First Baptism!

Mahayla was baptized this weekend! Praise the Lord! We have sensed for some time that the Lord was working on her precious heart. What a blessing it was to hear her say she was ready to accept Christ! It just so happened that we were celebrating Caleb’s 9th birthday this weekend with family, so we…

Chemisty Update

Okay, I have to admit up front that Christian Kids Explore Chemistry is getting tough for this ol’ momma who realized early on that she was never meant to be a chemist in life.  Seriously, what I’m teaching the kids now are things I learned in high school!  Lucky for me, the book is walking…

On My Mind

I listened to Casting Crown’s While You Were Sleeping many times this Christmas season.  Each time, I was moved.  Each time, I found myself silently (or not so silently sometimes) saying, “Amen.” Listen for yourself. I was particularly moved by “As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies that save the trees and kill the children…”…

Kids and Money

  Teaching Biblical Stewardship and Allowances This topic can go so many different ways based on the preferences of parents.  I’m offering just a brief overview of how we handle kids and money in our house.  I’d love to hear some of your ideas and thoughts about raising money-wise, generous children. God tells us to…

The Peace Place

A peace place.  A place for my children (or myself) to go when we are not being peaceful.  A time-out of sorts, but focused on God and His desires for us.  A quiet and comfortable place for us to reflect on why we haven’t been peaceful and to ask forgiveness.  A place to rid ourselves of frustration,…