These Easter Traditions Have Been Wonderful for Our Homeschool Family
Easter is – by far – my favorite holiday. It’s about the ultimate redemption of God’s people through His Son and no other celebration could possibly match that in significance.
Since Easter ushers in the spring season, there’s a general joyfulness in the air, too. People seem happy. Animals seem happy. Even plants seem happy.
I look forward every year to the (much lower-key than Christmas) hustle and bustle that Easter brings with it. Our family’s celebration begins at least a week or two early with many long-held Easter traditions – some of them educational, some of them just for fun.

Our Easter Traditions
Nature Walks
With the warmer temperatures, we find ourselves able to get outside for frequent nature walks. During the Easter season, most of those walks point out some aspect of the Biblical Easter story.
Easter Nature Study Through the Holidays helps to prepare our hearts for Easter through a unique, Christ-centered nature study tied into the Biblical account of Jesus’ final week, including His death, burial and resurrection.
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Two of our must-make recipes include Resurrection Rolls and Easter Story Cookies. Both allow for a yummy retelling of the Biblical Easter story.
Fun and Learning
Many years ago, I purchased a set of resurrections eggs that we’ve used over and over again as a family and in various co-op and church classrooms. As my kids got older, they had tons of fun with this resurrection egg scavenger hunt. It takes a little more time to prepare than the pre-packaged set of eggs, but kids love it.
Of course, we dye Easter eggs every year, too!
Lessons Learned
We don’t always do Easter themed lessons, but these are a few of the FREE Homeschool Share unit studies we’ve enjoyed.
Living Literature
Our pile of Easter living literature has grown and grown over the years (as has our pile of books on just about every other subject.) Here are the Easter books that have become most near and dear to us.
Vinegar Boy: Encounter Christ Through the Dramatic Story of Vinegar BoyAmon’s Adventure: A Family Story for EasterThe Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional FolktaleBenjamin’s Box: The Story of the Resurrection EggsThe Story of PassoverTwice YoursThe Legend of the Easter EggOn That Easter MorningPetook: An Easter StoryHe Is Alive!Little Colt’s Palm SundayEaster Eggs for Anya: A Ukrainian Celebration of New Life in Christ (Traditions of Faith from Around the World) by Kroll, Virginia [Hardcover(2007/1/23)]Rechenka’s Eggs (Paperstar)The Donkey Who Carried a KingThe Easter Story
Share Your Traditions
I’d love to hear about your family’s best Easter traditions and your favorite books for the season!
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Ooooh this looks wonderful. I was thinking I would like to do some things with my daughter for something more relaxed leading up to Easter! I will be taking a closer look at your ideas… thank you so much for taking the time to post them!!!!