Nature Study

Nature study has been one of the most rewarding subjects in our homeschool through the years. It reaches deeply into every single realm of science. It gets us outdoors for fresh air, sunshine and exercise. It creatively includes other subjects like language arts, math, geography, and even history. But most importantly, God has revealed so much about Himself to us through the study of nature.

Nature study works easily with all homeschooling styles. It makes a huge difference with children who need to be active. It can meet all kinds of learning styles, and offers those with learning disabilities a fresh perspective on learning to give them success. Best of all, nature study works really, really well when teaching multiple ages. I know you’ll enjoy some amazing learning using the lessons you’ll find below. Have fun!

Pollinator Nature Study

Pollinator Nature Study

Enjoy a hands-on pollinator nature study and homeschool nature walk challenge with the whole family! Today, we’re learning about one of the most important groups of animals. It’s not your typical group like dogs or horses. It’s not even one of the big groups of animals like mammals or reptiles. This special group is made…

Ant Nature Study

Ant Nature Study

Hello, NaturExplorers! This ant nature study will help you to observe what’s going on above ground and imagine what’s going on below ground wherever you see these busy insects. I know not everyone is a fan of insects, but the insect we’re learning about today is so industrious that I hope you won’t mind. Industrious…

Sedimentary Rocks Nature Study

Sedimentary Rocks Nature Study

Let’s have a rockhound adventure with a sedimentary rocks nature study today! What’s a rockhound you ask? That’s the nickname given to a geologist or the name given to an amateur rock collector. Since I doubt many of us have gone to school to become geologists yet, we are amateurs. If you’ve never collected rocks…

Wind Nature Study

Wind Nature Study

We’re in for a windy ride today! How can we do a wind nature study when we can’t see wind and can’t even really hear it? Great question! Observing the wind is less about looking for the nature specimen and more about looking for signs that it’s there. What is wind? If you had to…

Soil Nature Study

Soil Nature Study

Are you ready for soil nature study today? In this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study podcast, Mrs. Cindy will give you a simple, but fun challenge. Expect to get a little dirty! Normally, we learn about a nature topic first and then you hear about your nature walk challenge, but this one is…

Bracket Fungi Nature Study

Bracket Fungi Nature Study

In this homeschool nature study, I’m excited to teach you about one of the coolest things to find on a woodland nature walk…bracket fungi! Fungi, in general, are amazing nature specimens and woodlands are great places to go to look for all sorts of species. Have you ever been walking in the woods near deciduous…

Bird Migration Nature Study

Bird Migration Nature Study

The premier season of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast kicks off with a bite-sized bird migration nature study. Listen at your convenience and then grab a nature journal and some colored pencils to head outside for the simple outdoor nature walk challenge! Hello, and welcome to the first episode of the brand new No…

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