Middle School

Field Trip Fun

For those of you who know Melissa from blogging, consider yourselves blessed.  But, if you’re lucky enough to know her in person, how much more blessed you are!  It was such a treat to spend time with her last week.  Not only that, she took on all three of my children while I spoke at the THINK meeting AND…

Fine Arts Tuesday #4

The walnut trees are beginning to change colors and drop leaves in Kentucky already.  While they’re still full of nuts, I wanted our nature study time this week to focus on these trees.  We used one of the nature notebooking pages from the Delightful Deciduous Trees NaturExplorers study to focus our attention. Mahayla made some Apple…

Yellow cornbread made in a black cast iron pan. Used as an image for a blog post about a Native American Unit Study

Native American Unit Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) Native American Unit Study Our Native American unit was a tad more independent than most units we’ve done in the past.  I’m trying to allow Mahayla to take on the freedom in learning that she desires, while pushing Caleb toward taking more responsibility for his learning. A Book and an…

Fine Arts Tuesday Week 2

Tuesdays are such a sweet treat!  Nature study, artist study, art projects, composer study, tea time and an afternoon club are making for full and fun days. Last week’s nature study turned out to be working cattle in the barn with dad.  I had planned on a nice walk to observe trees and their lines, but…

Learning about Early American Explorers is extra fun when you use living literature!

Early American Explorers Unit

Unit studies have been a wonderful method of multi-age learning in our homeschool You can fit in so much goodness in such a nice chunk of time! This post contains affiliate links. Early American Explorers Resources In our late elementary/early middle school quest to learn Early American History this year, we began by studying the…

July’s Creation Club

July’s meeting was less of a nature day and more a celebration of water.  We had a water field day!  Each of the moms brought a water game or two which turned out to be tons of fun. Let’s see, the kids played a relay carrying containers of water on their heads, a sponge and bucket relay, and…

June’s Creation Club

Yep, we’re still as busy as beavers around here!  I thought I’d stop in for a few minutes to show you some of the fun from our Creation Club this month….. We met at the local cemetery.  Cemeteries are wonderful for nature study!  Typically, they have a huge variety of trees, shrubs, fungi, weathering and…


Have you ever visited Shakertown?  It’s such a lovely place to visit in Central KY.  This weekend, we were treated to our first ever overnight stay in one of the original village buildings!  My father-in-law took our family and the horses for two days of trail riding, hiking, touring and dining at the historic restaurant. …


Mahayla and one of her best buds have been planning a camping trip since January.  Yes, that’s FIVE months!  After many revised lists, faxes to one another and late nights on the phone planning, the trip finally happened this weekend.  The two girls and two other best buds (along with a couple of Dads and,…

A jug tied to a stick is drug through a pond. An image for a blog post about ponds

Creation Club – Ponds

This post contains affiliate links. So here’s what I had envisioned. A peaceful day at the pond with children who ever-so-quietly and diligently explored life in and around the pond.  Children who would pull out their nature journals at every interesting find, writing lovely poems and prayers.  A day of discovery and awe. Here’s what happened….