Middle School

Early Spring Nature Study

This post contains links to my NaturExplorers curriculum. It’s Spring! I’m so excited to be back outdoors on a regular basis with my children!  Are you ready to jump back into nature study, too?  Fresh air.  The world slowing coming back to life.  Warm air one day, cool air the next.  Sunshine, rain, even snow. …

Logic in the homeschool image with beads sorted into little white cups

My Favorite Logic Resources

Is it really important to add logic studies in your homeschool from PK-High School?  Yes! Our children need to know how to think.  With the ability to think, almost any topic at any time can be learned and/or thought about critically.  Christian children who hope to defend their faith in the world absolutely MUST be…

Michelangelo Artist Study

This post contains affiliate links.  Read my entire disclosure policy here. Artist Study of the Month Since Michelangelo’s birthday is coming up on March 6th, we’re gearing up to focus on him again during this month’s artist study.  We studied his work once before (several years ago) as part of a mini-unit about Renaissance artists. …

Pile of candy hearts on a pink plate in an image about funschooling with candy hearts.

Candy Heart Lessons

What kid wouldn’t love a break from the regular schedule of homeschooling to enjoy a funschooling day full of candy heart lessons??? Mom, I promise that your day won’t be wasted and you’ll be able to check off just about every box in your lesson planner! Teaching with Candy Hearts Grab a big bag of…

Science Friday

Fridays have been {fun} for years. This past week, our Friday morning was dedicated to science fun.  Besides containing all the mess of tons of experiments to one day, it gave Caleb a chance to review several chemistry concepts we’ve been learning.   Science Friday Using the book Molecules by Janice VanCleave(affiliate link), I chose…

Homeschool Service Projects

I’ve written about the importance of adding service projects to your homeschool before, but I want to reiterate how BIG making time to help others can be in the life your family. Setting up for our homeless guests at church I’m constantly amazed at the spiritual growth I see in my children as we take…

Homemade travel brochure about the 13 colonies

13 Colonies Travel Brochure

An Easy 13 Colonies Travel Brochure Project In an effort to share more of our project-based learning, I thought I’d highlight Caleb’s latest middle school research & writing assignment.  As part of a Colonial History unit study, Caleb and I read a two great books about the 13 colonies. Afterward, I asked him to choose…

Green piggy bank with gold coin image for a post about Economics in the Homeschool

Economics in the Homeschool

Sadly, the formal study of economics is left out of most of the curricula I’ve run across in my 11+ years of homeschooling. An understanding of economics is EXTREMELY important as our children grow up to care for a family, learn to tithe and give, and become the financial leaders of our country. Unless we took…

Planning a Large Unit Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) In this final installment of my unit study series, I’m going to share with you how to design a unit study that is fairly in-depth.  For those of you new to this series, you can catch up by reading… How To Plan a Unit Study Unit Study Projects Planning a…

Planning a Small Unit Study

We’re finally into some practical posts in my series about unit studies! In my first post, I wrote about how I design unit studies for our homeschool. In the second post, I wrote about incorporating project-based learning into the units. Now, I’d like to share a very short and simple study we completed on magnets….