
Catching Up

I just wanted to share a few odds and ends this afternoon. Yesterday was Mahayla’s piano recital.  She did such a lovely job!  I’m afraid her talent is stronger than her desire right now , though.  We’re taking a break over the summer to see if she might “get her want to fixed” before the…

My Mother

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! This picture was taken last night at our church’s annual Mother-Daughter Banquet.  Thank you gentlemen for a lovely evening!

Happy Birthday, Steve!

On Thursday of last week I reminded the kids that Daddy’s birthday was coming up.  Within hours, Caleb had designed and built these two gifts.  I heard lots of hammering at the barn and the next thing I knew, Mahayla had hooked the wagon to the lawn tractor in an effort to help Caleb hide the (enormous) gifts under…

Water Already?

So I’m sick with strep.  (Feeling much better today.  Thank the Lord for strong antibiotics!)  My sweet older children offered to take little one out while I napped yesterday.  Here’s what they did. Yes, it was only April 23rd.  I suppose they cared more that the thermometer said 80.  I’m just thankful I had the chance to nap!

Haircuts and Flowers

Yesterday was a b-u-s-y day!  Between a 15-month checkup with shots (ouch!) for little one and his first haircut, we really put Eli through the ringer.  I’d been waiting until we got the new camera before taking him for his first haircut and this picture shows just how badly he needed it.  🙂 You’ll see…

Nature, Up Close and Personal

I’m Baaaack!  We finally bought a new camera yesterday!  🙂  I just haven’t been the same blogger since the old camera died.  LOL  Here’s the perfect moment caught on film, er, digital something or other….. Tonight was SO beautiful, we decided to take a short walk to the barn to visit with a couple of…

Inside His Mind Again

Thoughts of a 7 3/4-year-old boy on public school…. Mom, you know what I would like about going to public school?  What? The school bus – and nothing else.  Well, maybe the cafeteria, too.  Why would you like the school bus? Because you don’t have to wear seat belts.  Oh, and I like the brown…

A 1st Birthday Party

The first year with my other two didn’t go this fast.  Everybody always says, “Where did the time go?”  But I really mean it.  How is it possible that my wee one has been with us a year already?? What a precious little boy he is.  He loves to snuggle and he thinks he needs…

My Little Boy

Is it all little boys, or do I just have a really funny kid?  He keeps us in stiches, well most of the time anyway.  I find it hard to laugh at some of his shenanigans – like holding his crawling baby brother’s feet and considering that “babysitting”.  Anyway, here’s the latest installment of Caleb’s…