
Summer on the Farm

I know I’ve been missing in action lately.  Summertime is just too busy!  So you don’t think I’ve fallen off the face of the earth, I thought I’d post a few scenes from our summer on the farm. Wildflowers are bouquets from God!  I can’t help but smile every time I see them. (We don’t…

Catching Up

Summer wears me out.  It’s all good, but whew am I ever ready to start school again by the time August rolls around!  I have tons to post about, so I thought I’d do a giant post and try to fit in as much as possible.  Hang on to your seats! A nearby church hosted…

Ball Season and Much More

Baseball and softball season makes for a b-u-s-y life. But, it’s so much fun. Fresh air, exercise, cheering on my children, encouraging other children – good stuff. This is Caleb’s 6th year of ball – 1st year in B-ball (kid pitch) where he plays 2nd and right-center field for the Red Sox.  Their team is…

A Precious Family Reunion

This is my Granny.  She’s 88.  She lives with my aunt and uncle in Alabama.  Her health is declining and she once told me she would probably never make it back to Kentucky again.  The Lord saw fit for her to be able to not only make it back to Kentucky, but have the energy…

Another One Turns Ten

What??  I have TWO children in double digits now?? Happy 10th Birthday Caleb! Caleb requested pineapple upside-down cake for his family party, and it just so happened that there were 10 pineapples in which to place candles.  🙂   (I had to make cupcakes for church friends AND chocolate chip cookies for his baseball team. …