
Van Gogh Resources

Van Gogh Artist Study Resources Vincent Van Gogh Lesson Ideas Sunflowers Starry Night Almond Tree in Blossom Blossoming Almond Tree I chose the three paintings above for the purpose of learning to draw trees this spring as they begin to blossom. Books We Read Here’s the last art/nature project of the Van Gogh month.  After…

Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

After reading Camille and the Sunflowers, I had the kids try their hand at recreating Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” using an idea from Deep Space Sparkle. They turned out GREAT!! The directions in a nutshell: Use a pencil to draw a vase, table line and the flowers. Go over all or most pencil lines with a…


Pierre August Renoir Artist Study Resources Picking Flowers Websites To Visit Biography for Kids Renoir Gallery *Warning: Preview these as Renoir painted many nudes! Books To Read We have LOVED Renoir!  In this week’s lesson, the children chose Renoir’s painting below (Oarsmen at Chatou) to try to replicate. Mahayla’s Caleb’s

Newport Aquarium

Did you know the Newport Aquarium offers two free children’s admissions per adult in January and February each year?  I didn’t until recently.  We’ve been wanting to go forever, but haven’t wanted to fork over the steep prices.   Our first trip today was made even sweeter with the $42.oo savings! The Aquarium sits right beside…

Kids dressed up for a Night at the Museum Party

Night at the Museum Party

(This post contains affiliate links.) Night at the Museum Movie: Watch and Learn Short and Sweet Version: Co-op Class Only Meets Twice First Meeting:  Everyone watches the movie, Night at the Museum, together.  This meeting is strictly for fun. At Home:  Each child chooses either an historical character from the movie, another interesting person from…

A Lot of Valentine Fun

Hubby and I celebrated Valentine’s Day on Saturday, so I decided to do a family Valentine’s Day celebration on Friday.  To get the excitement rolling, we ditched the math books and used little sweethearts to create graphs and find the mean, median and mode of candy that I gave them. We spent much of the…

What’s Under a Rock?

Around our house  – a slug!  Can you see him near the middle on the left?  He’s pretty well camouflaged. We weren’t even doing nature study.  We were learning about measuring the volume of an irregular shape in water when I sent the kids outside to find a few rocks for measuring.  This little critter…

My Kind of Winter Walk

It got into the upper 50’s last week.  Just a few days before we had been hovering around 0, so the upper 50’s was truly a heat wave!  We took advantage of the warmth and headed out for a wonderful wintery walk.  I say wintery because there were still icy signs all over the place. …

Icy Nature Study

If you live anywhere near a pond when it freezes over, this is a great nature study activity! We headed out in the very cold wind to bring a sample of ice home from the pond.  After trying to break the ice with a knife (which usually works), then a large rock (which almost always…