A Tree House!
It’s been in the works for about 6 months (and actually still needs a roof), but the big kids officially have a tree house!! It’s very rustic – which I love. The kids are already planning to deck it out in Boxcar Children-style! I’ll post indoor pictures when it’s complete.

Have a very blessed Memorial Day weekend! I hope the weather is beautiful where you are and you get to spend time with family and friends!
How fun! My father-in-law built my boys a house on their farm last year.
I was just pondering the other day about what I can put inside to make it more exciting. There are lots of birds where ours is, so I thought a laminated poster of birds to aid in bird watching. A friend suggested a chalk board, and of course some chairs and a table. Maybe even a trinket box… maybe I need my own…LOL!
My husband started building a tree fort for our kids that same weekend! We’ve wanted to for years, but delayed because the kids had so much fun moving/arranging the wood around making their own make-shift fort. 🙂
By the way, I started a blog as an outlet for the kids to write to all their out-of-state relatives. You should check it out sometime…
(memory-jogger…. I contributed to your Nature Study e-book.)