

Below are some pictures of our farm during the recent flooding of Central KY (and other places.)  I know it’s hard to tell that the land is flooded if you aren’t familiar with what it looks like typically.  Rest assured – this was a FLOOD!  We estimate about 45 acres (three bottom land fields) were…

The Soup Kitchen

This is Tony, my music minister from the church where I grew up.  Tony has always been very active in serving others in the name of Christ.  For the past 25 years, he’s worked monthly to organize food and helpers to serve the needy at the local soup kitchen.  We were blessed to help serve…

Goodbye 20th Century!

ALL planned unit studies for the 2009-10 school year are finished!  To wrap up the school year by the end of April, we’ll be completing plans and texts for all of our other subjects and adding in a few fun writing, science and art lessons.  While the kids work, I’ll begin the process of putting…

Hands-on Geometry

I continue to be impressed by the materials Prufrock Press sends me for review.  Believe me, if I didn’t like something, I wouldn’t post about it!  And if I don’t actually use it in my homeschool, I won’t post about it either! Hands-On Geometry is a book we used in our school once a week…

Henri Matisse Resources

We spent much of our month with Matisse completing art with scissors since Matisse’s later works were often collages or realistic and abstract art constructed from cuttings. The artwork below was actually harder than it looks.  I asked the kids to use rulers to measure the desired sized blocks of color for the background.  The…

1950’s and 1960’s

I hate to admit that our study of the 50’s and 60’s was a bit more boring than the 20th century thus far.  It’s partly because the gusto of school is waning as we see the end in sight, and partly because we covered most of this previously when we vacationed in Alabama last November….