Christian Homeschooling

Christian homeschooling encompasses more than just school time.  It really should be about how we do life – Bible study, character lessons, prayer time, daily attitudes, serving others, diligently and joyfully working, enjoying family time, worshiping together and so much more.  In these articles I have tried to share everything from how I plan our daily Bible time and fantastic resources to help along the way to specific character training lessons and service project ideas that strive to build your children up as you point them to your Father.

A image of a shelf of books used as a blog post for teaching values

Teaching Values with Books

Welcome to Day 2 of my 10 Days of… series on Teaching Values in your homeschool! One of the easiest things you can do in your homeschool is teach values with books and that’s exactly what I’ll show you how to do! This post contains affiliate links. Teaching Values with Books Today I’m writing about…

The Easter Story in Nature worksheet with a crown of thorns in the corner.

The Easter Story: A Nature Walk

  Easter Nature Study It’s been awhile since my Creation Club met for nature study together. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share the Easter story with them and do some mini-hunts based on the ideas suggested in Nature Study Through the Holidays: Easter. Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For the class, I also created…

National Missionary Convention

Another field trip bites the dust.  More than a simple field trip, though, this one was life changing!   The National Missionary Convention was held this past weekend in Lexington, and because our church registered, we were able to attend for free.  You know me and field trips, I wasn’t about to pass up a free…

The Soup Kitchen

This is Tony, my music minister from the church where I grew up.  Tony has always been very active in serving others in the name of Christ.  For the past 25 years, he’s worked monthly to organize food and helpers to serve the needy at the local soup kitchen.  We were blessed to help serve…

Service at the Food Pantry

We’re very blessed to go to a church that participates in the local food pantry mission.  Once every three months, our church is on duty and asks for volunteers to donate a couple of hours to man the operation.  My children look forward to this service opportunity so much!  From filling orders to stocking shelves,…

Our First Baptism!

Mahayla was baptized this weekend! Praise the Lord! We have sensed for some time that the Lord was working on her precious heart. What a blessing it was to hear her say she was ready to accept Christ! It just so happened that we were celebrating Caleb’s 9th birthday this weekend with family, so we…