living literature

Living literature rocks. A LOT of learning happens between the pages of a good book!

Living Literature Booklists

If you asked me to name a few things that have made THE most impact in our homeschool over the years, one of the answers I would give without hesitation is living literature. Many precious hours have been spent together around books. Those moments have built strong bonds between us, created warm memories, and sparked…

Images of picture books that are used to teach grammar

Picture Books to Teach Grammar

When you think of teaching grammar to your elementary student, does the word “boring” pop into your head?  Maybe not your head, but your children’s perhaps? Well, I have two pieces of good news for you! 1.  Formal grammar lessons aren’t all that important in elementary school!  Really.  A little here, a little there and…

A Grinch Birthday Party

What a fun 7th birthday celebration we had for my little Christmas man.  Grinchy green was everywhere thanks to the wonderful ideas I found on Pinterest.  Even if you don’t have a December birthday babe in your house,  these ideas would be great for a lighthearted gathering this Christmas season or a fun book/movie night….