living literature

Christmas package and Silver Packages book blog post advertisement

A Silver Packages Book Activity for Christmas Homeschooling

Enjoy the magic of Christmas with this precious literature-based lesson, which includes a special service project for your family to do together. You’ll love the Silver Packages book activity so much that it might even become a Christmas tradition. Traditions help families build relationships and give children peace and security. Because they are so meaningful,…

Girl does math on a worksheet with a calculator while counting little grains of rice. For a blog post about math and literature

Two Exponential Growth Activities: Literature and Math Connections

These exponential growth activities offer an excellent way to blend literature and math! Gather the books One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale by Demi and The King’s Chessboard by David Birch. The activities below offer hands-on experiences with exponential growth to help children visualize the rapid expansion of doubling numbers. Your children will love…