
Test tubes with green, blue, orange, and yellow liquid with flowers in them. It is the image for a blog post about a hidden gem in your homeschool community.

Have You Found This Hidden Homeschooling Gem in Your Community?

If you have a cooperative extension service in your community, you’ve hit the homeschooling jackpot. A homeschool 4-H club through our cooperative extension service is one of the best groups we’ve ever joined. What’s a cooperative extension service? It’s a cooperation between communities and universities that provides training and services to the community on the…

Expo Competition Night

School has been out since the end of April, meaning all the school-related posts that I’ll be publishing soon are way overdue.  Oh well, better late than never.  Our summer vacation has been nothing short of a whirlwind so far, but I wouldn’t trade the busyness with my sweet family for anything!  I’ll try to…

Co-op Talent Expo

This past weekend was time once again for our co-op’s talent expo.  It’s such a fun time of sharing talents and competing for ribbons in the areas of art, music, drama, spelling, Bible memorization, cooking, woodworking, science fair and/or sewing. This year’s projects for Caleb included two art projects, a *huge* birdhouse and a derby…

4-H Lap Robes

Have you ever heard of Warm Fuzzies for Cancer Patients?  I hadn’t either, but our 4-H extension agent did some research and found this wonderful program for us to take part.  Groups (or individuals) make fleece lap blankets and donate them to cancer centers.   So, that’s what our 4-H group did this week.  Our blankets…

Grandparent’s Day Idea

Grandma, read no further! Here’s an idea from the Holidays Around the Year book that we did as part of our seasonal Friday lesson last week. We learned the science behind suminagashi art (marbling paints) and created beautiful card covers.  Inside the kids have written letters to both sets of grandparents for Grandparent’s Day.  We finished…