Project-Based Learning Project List
Does PBL seem overwhelming? You want to do it, but have no idea what projects you might ask your children to do? Never fear, I have a huge project list for you!
Advice: Let your children be in on choosing the projects as often as possible. Since the project is supposed to be “theirs” anyway, helping to choose the project will go a long way in accomplishing this!

Help! I can’t think of project ideas!
Believe it or not, this project list – as big as it is – isn’t complete! Keep your mind open to other projects, especially those that your children dream up.
- Active Game
- Advertisement
- Artwork
- Billboard
- Biography
- Board Game
- Brochure
- Build
- Cartoon
- Cereal Box Report
- Chart
- Children’s Book
- Comedy
- Compare/Contrast Paper
- Comparison Poster
- Complete a Task
- Compute
- Cooking
- Costume
- Craft
- Dance
- Design a Puzzle
- Diagram
- Diorama
- Display
- Experiment
- Fictional Story
- File Folder Report
- Fix Something
- Flip-Book
- Game Show
- Graph
- Handicraft
- Historical Fiction
- Instrumental
- Interview
- Invention
- Journal
- Lapbook
- Lesson for Younger Children
- Letter
- Letter to the Editor
- Magazine Article
- Magic Act
- Map
- Mobile
- Model
- Monologue
- Musical
- Mystery
- Newsletter
- Newspaper Article
- Novel
- Opinion Paper
- Organize
- Paper Bag Report
- Personal Narrative
- Photography
- Plan (Party, Shopping Trip, Chore Schedule, etc.)
- Play
- Poem
- Postcard
- Poster Person
- Power Point
- Puppet Show
- Recitation
- Research Paper
- Scavenger Hunt
- Science Fair Board
- Service Project
- Show What You Know Any Way You Like
- Skit
- Song
- Speech
- Start a Business
- Timeline
- Video
- Website
Need ideas for implementing these projects? The NaturExplorers curriculum series gives you plenty of learning choices that incorporate project-based learning into your regular nature study lessons!
You might also like to take a look through my Pinterest Board which is just full of Project-Based Learning Ideas.
I can’t wait to hear about your PBL successes!!
What is Project-Based Learning?
I taught a Homeschool Masterclass that can give you a thorough overview of what project-based learning is, why it’s beneficial, and how to implement it successfully into your homeschool!
(My class website is being developed…let you know when it is up and running!).
Thanks so much for all of the great ideas! I have been debating whether to include this as my focus in class for a few years now, but never knew how to get started. My grade 4 class will have many low learners who struggle with reading and behaviour and there will be just me in the class…no EA’s and little chance of parent volunteers. I think that a PBL approach may help to get/keep some of the reluctant learners engaged, so I’m willing to jump in this September with both feet. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
I’ll be checking back with this site as I continue with my planning to get more ideas.
Yours in education,
Best wishes, Nicole. PBL can be a tad hectic to organize as a teacher, but the benefits for the kids are out of this world!