
2008-09 Overall Plans

School will be starting up again soon!  We’ll probably wait until the rest of the garden has been harvested and canned/frozen, but the serious planning is well underway already.  Following is our overall plan for the year. Bible Since working through the Old, then New Testaments over the last two years, I think we’re going to…

My MSG Story

Why am I sharing this?  I come across so many people who share the same struggles that I used to have and I want to be sure they understand that getting MSG out of their diet can potentially be life changing.  It was for me. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s.  Eating Little…

Homemade Mixes

Over 100 quarts of beans have been canned, and I’ve decided to stop!  But the kitchen was still a busy place one morning last week as Mahayla and I prepared many of our homemade mixes for the year.  I’ll be telling you my MSG story one of these days, but basically I can’t have it in any form or fashion. …

Gum in the Dryer

This isn’t the first time I’ve found gum in the dryer.  The barber just loves handing out handfuls of gum to the kids as they leave.  Sadly, the gum rarely finds its way out of Caleb’s pockets and into his mouth. This time, HE was the one who had the lovely job of scraping the…

End of the Season

Caleb LOVES baseball.  And I love watching him – up to a point.  By the end of the season, this momma’s had her fill of baseball games.  And, so, we’re finally at the end of Coach Pitch, year one.  His team, the Storm wasn’t the winning team he had hoped for, but they weren’t the…

June’s Creation Club

Yep, we’re still as busy as beavers around here!  I thought I’d stop in for a few minutes to show you some of the fun from our Creation Club this month….. We met at the local cemetery.  Cemeteries are wonderful for nature study!  Typically, they have a huge variety of trees, shrubs, fungi, weathering and…

What’s Keeping Us Busy?

Why am I on a blogging break? The Nature E-Book. The CHEK Convention.   Yep, that’s me in the speaker’s section!  You might pray for me, I’m getting a bit nervous.  At the same time, I’m VERY excited!  I’ll be doing a workshop on adding creative touches to your homeschool.  I think more than anything, I’m…


Have you ever visited Shakertown?  It’s such a lovely place to visit in Central KY.  This weekend, we were treated to our first ever overnight stay in one of the original village buildings!  My father-in-law took our family and the horses for two days of trail riding, hiking, touring and dining at the historic restaurant. …


Mahayla and one of her best buds have been planning a camping trip since January.  Yes, that’s FIVE months!  After many revised lists, faxes to one another and late nights on the phone planning, the trip finally happened this weekend.  The two girls and two other best buds (along with a couple of Dads and,…

Sinkholes = Caves!

We’ve known about a couple of sinkholes on our farm since we bought it six years ago.  Of course, when you think sinkhole, you think cave.  Especially living in Central KY and knowing that limestone is a predominate rock in our area. A couple of summers ago, we found cave dwelling salamander – fittingly called…

Rare Close-up Observance

We have hawks on our farm that we’ve spotted before.  Usually we see them swooping through the sky or hear their screachy call.  On occasion, we’ve come upon one on the fence post, but it’s always flown away very quickly.  The other day, though, we were given a rare opportunity by this red-tailed hawk to…

A jug tied to a stick is drug through a pond. An image for a blog post about ponds

Creation Club – Ponds

This post contains affiliate links. So here’s what I had envisioned. A peaceful day at the pond with children who ever-so-quietly and diligently explored life in and around the pond.  Children who would pull out their nature journals at every interesting find, writing lovely poems and prayers.  A day of discovery and awe. Here’s what happened….