Philosophy Adventure Review

(I received a preview copy of Philosophy Adventure: Pre-Socratics in exchange for my honest review.)
Christian Philosophy: Isn’t That An Oxymoron?
For most of us who studied philosophy in high school or college, yes, our classes were anything but Christian. Misleading, worldly, tempting, humanistic and me-centered are just a few of the words I would use to describe the philosophy courses I was forced to take.
Will your children be forced to take philosophy classes in college? Likely. Will their classes be similar in experience to mine? Probably. Is there anything you can do now to prepare your child for the misinformation they’ll be subjected to? Oh, yes!
Just like psychology, logic, history and science can be taught from a Christian worldview, philosophy can, too! And, there’s no better time to gird your children with truth to stand up against the untruths of this world than in high school!
Philosophy Adventure: Pre-Socratics
Stacey Farrell from Homeschool Adventure has written a fabulous philosophy curriculum to help you take your children on a tour of philosophical ideas from history through the lenses of Christianity.
In this Pre-Socratics edition (with more to follow), your children will meet several early philosophers and the history behind their ideas. At the same time, learning to discern truth from the Word while considering others’ ideas – which is a pretty important skill in this world!
(Sample pages from the reader.)
Write Skillfully, Think Critically, Speak Articulately
Philosophy Adventure is designed to be flexible. You can use it as a single credit course by picking and choosing from the wealth of lessons and activities. Or, you can use it from start to finish to gain 1/2 credits in each of the following: English composition, world history/geography, speech/communications, and logic/critical thinking.
Each of the eight lessons includes the following components:
- A philosopher’s story – life, time, ideas, etc.,
- Write, Think and Speak assignments,
- Geographical information about the philosopher’s world, and
- Comparison assignments to discern whether the philosophical ideas line up with the Bible.
(Sample pages from the student workbook.)
Stacey has made a relatively tough subject very user-friendly with visually appealing pages, clear activity directions and text that isn’t overly “intellectual.” At the same time, though, your children will peruse several primary-source quotes and gain a large vocabulary – on top of diving deep into philosophy!
What I like best are the writing, thinking and speaking activities that give students a chance to assimilate what they’ve learned in very thoughtful and meaningful ways. This is the point of philosophy in the real world!
(Sample pages from the teacher’s guide.)
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If you had to choose betweeen the two for a child that will be starting collage the following year (she’s 15) and wants to minor in phyc, which one??
Bridget, do you mean which one between Philosophy Adventure and Psychology from a Christian Perspective? If she is planning to minor in psychology, I’d definitely go with the psychology curriculum to give her a strong Christian worldview before hearing opposing viewpoints in college.