Search Results for: free

Pilgrims Unit

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine sent out some freebie units not too long ago from Highlights of Homeschooling and one of them worked perfectly for our Pilgrims unit study.  It’s called The Mayflower Unit Study. This isn’t the typical unit that we do around here, as it’s very language arts led and didn’t required much by way of…

Native American Unit Study

Native American Unit Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) Native American Unit Study Our Native American unit was a tad more independent than most units we’ve done in the past.  I’m trying to allow Mahayla to take on the freedom in learning that she desires, while pushing Caleb toward taking more responsibility for his learning. A Book and an…

Aaahh…A Schedule

Aaahh…A Schedule

School is just about up and running again and schedules are getting back on track.  I sure love the freedom that summer brings, but I’m always ready to get back on schedule.  School schedules, chore schedules, weekly engagement schedules.  Somehow, life is just calmer when it’s scheduled (around here anyway.) Here’s a rough sketch of…

My MSG Story

Why am I sharing this?  I come across so many people who share the same struggles that I used to have and I want to be sure they understand that getting MSG out of their diet can potentially be life changing.  It was for me. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s.  Eating Little…

Catching Up

I just wanted to share a few odds and ends this afternoon. Yesterday was Mahayla’s piano recital.  She did such a lovely job!  I’m afraid her talent is stronger than her desire right now , though.  We’re taking a break over the summer to see if she might “get her want to fixed” before the…

Simple Machines and Play

Don’t ya just love when kids use their imaginations and create really cool things?  This afternoon, the older kids made great use of their free time (and I was able to get in a little discussion about simple and complex machines!) Caleb loves ladders, ropes, tools and other bits and pieces of boy stuff.  Living…

Creative Memorization Ideas

Creative Memorization Ideas My all-time favorite creative memorization tool so far has been Times Tales!  My oldest daughter had struggled with the upper multiplication facts for months.  In ONE day of this program, she knew the facts!  I’m not kidding!  It uses little stories to tell about each fact.  After doing the program with her, I still…

Kids and Money

  Teaching Biblical Stewardship and Allowances This topic can go so many different ways based on the preferences of parents.  I’m offering just a brief overview of how we handle kids and money in our house.  I’d love to hear some of your ideas and thoughts about raising money-wise, generous children. God tells us to…

The Mother’s Banquet

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m part of a WONDERFUL co-op.  Our leader, Cathy, is celebrating her 10th anniversary since starting the group. I’ve been incredibly blessed this year to help Cathy out by leading the Mom’s Room.  The best way I can describe the Mom’s Room is in a series of words and phrases: prayer,…

Nourishing "Mother Culture"

Ha!  I actually think it’s ironic that the theme for the newest edition of the CM Carnival is “Mother Culture” – otherwise known as taking care of momma.  You see, I’m not doing a very good job of that right now.  Maybe it’s having a toddler who isn’t a good sleeper day or night.  Maybe it’s too many…

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