Search Results for: free

Toyota Field Trip

There’s a Toyota Plant not too far from us.  For years I’ve been wanting to go on the free tour they offer,  but my children have always been too young.  Children have to be at least 1st grade with a parent chaperone for safety reasons.  Anyway, this year, we left baby toddler Eli with Grandma and…

Painless Artist Study

Painless Artist Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) Cheating Just a Little Okay, so my Charlotte Mason friends may raise their eyebrows to this post.  I can get overwhelmed with all the “stuff” that’s out there to teach.  Good stuff like artists, composers, Latin….  Things that just seem to slip by the wayside sometimes when the phonics and…

Overcoming Homeschool Burnout

Yep, the season for burnout is upon us.  Better days are ahead for those who hang in there.  I’m hoping this is one blog you can disregard because everything is joyful and sweet in your homeschool.  If not, I hope some of these ideas will perk up your blahs. Symptoms of Burnout fatigue impatience lack…

Plans For A Kentucky Unit

Plans For A Kentucky Unit

I’m straying from the typical sort of unit study we do around here. This Kentucky unit will be mostly worksheet-based, with final projects being research-based.  Why?  Well first, I want the unit to be fairly quick.  Second, Mahayla has covered this topic before at co-op, so it just made more sense to provide them each…

My December Basket

After perusing Christmas websites, going through my Christmas file folder and searching my computer files for Christmas ideas, I’ve put aside some things that I hope to use this December. You may be surprised to find this out about me, but when I plan a unit, I very rarely make detailed plans.  Yes, I know,…

A Bad Day

Well, it happened.  We’ve been working towards this for a while now.  We had a really bad homeschooling day.  You know, one of those days Todd “The Familyman” Wilson describes in his cartoon book.  The husband comes home from work to find mom missing in action.  After several minutes of searching, he finds her locked in…

Unit Studies

Co-op gals – Here’s the basic outline from the unit study presentation.  I posted this same blog last year, but have added some new websites, a section about grades, and a couple of other things.  Have fun learning! What is a unit study? A unit study is really any subject that you spend time learning about.  Many times a unit study…

Our Field Trip Notebooks

Our Field Trip Notebooks

Field trip notebooks are a great way to get in some sneaky writing practice and create an amazing keepsake. Field Trip Memories {and learning, too!} After coming back from a  trip to Michigan with 100 pictures, several brochures and tons of memories, I racked my brain for a practical way for my children to put…

Ancient Greece

Studying Ancient Greece has been so much fun!  We could’ve spent many more days lingering in the Greek hillsides, but it’s time to move on to Ancient Rome.  Here are some highlights from our week. On top of the regular reading about Ancient Greece, map work, timelines and such, we did lots of hands-on activities,…

A Super Woman Question

A friend of mine sent me an email the other day with a few questions.  I thought they were very important questions that deserved very real answers.  Here’s a portion of the email….. ……I just want to know where you find all of your time! Seriously, how do you have time to read other people’s…

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