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3 Free Winter Nature Study Printables for Your Homeschool

One of the best ways to perk up the school year during the winter is to get outside. These free winter nature study printables can help you do just that!

Yes, you heard right – get outside!

I know it’s cold, but I also know what “going stir crazy” feels like and how {even cold weather} nature walks can rejuvenate the spirit. Not to mention, a world of nature is waiting to be studied during the winter!

These free nature in your notebook printables will help keep the winter doldrums far away from your homeschool this season!

Free Winter Nature Study Printables

To get you started in your nature explorations, I’ve created THREE fun notebooking pages to guide you on walks from Valentine’s Day through those first sweet signs of spring.

Winter Nature Walks

Get three fun and creative nature walks in the free download:

  • Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so how about taking a LOVEly Winter Walk where you spend some purposeful time in thankfulness for God’s winter creation?
  • Conifers are popular trees to study during the winter since most of them continue to hold on to leaves and cones through the cold months. Print off one Conifer Observation Sheet per tree you intend to study to compare from tree to tree.
  • Spring will come soon – really it will! The Early Spring Beauty nature journal page will help you catch the first signs of spring and let you know that God’s promises to renew never fail.

Download the Winter Nature Printable

Want More Nature Study Printables?

The free nature journal printables are a great way to start outdoor learning, but there’s so much more waiting for you in the 40 Nature Walks: Outdoor Science Labs On-the-Go guides!

With 80 print-and-go activities across two volumes, these guides make it simple to:

  • Plan creative and engaging nature walks for all ages.
  • Use printable science labs for hands-on, educational fun.
  • Spark curiosity and build observation skills with unique journaling prompts.
  • Enjoy multi-age versatility for homeschooling families or co-ops.

If you’re looking for an easy way to make nature study a meaningful part of your routine, these guides are your perfect companion. Grab your copies today and make every walk a science adventure!

40 Nature Walks curriculum with different tones of green, flower drawings, and sample notebook pages on the front.
40 Nature Walks Vol. 2 curriculum with different tones of blues, flower drawings, and sample notebook pages on the front.

Do You Need More Winter Nature Study Ideas?

Winter is the perfect time to explore the beauty and wonder of nature. NaturExplorers guides make it easy to enjoy seasonal learning with creative nature walks, hands-on activities, and engaging kid-friendly research-based projects.

Whether exploring a snowy wonderland or braving brisk weather, these guides offer everything you need to make winter learning exciting and fun for the whole family!

iPad image of an evergreen tree and slope covered in snow with bright blue sky in the background. It's the cover of a curriculum about snow and ice.
A brown and red female cardinal sits on some snowy tree limbs on the cover of a nature study about coping with the cold.
Three blue bird eggs rest in a nest surrounded by greenery on the cover of a nature study about beautiful birds.
An evergreen tree with a large pinecone is on the cover of a nature study about constant conifers.


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