Are All Diamonds the Same Color? Nature Study for Kids
Diamonds come in a rainbow of colors, from pink to blue to black! In this No Sweat Nature Study Podcast episode, kids explore a “sparkling” diamond nature study by learning how these gemstones form their brilliant colors.
This episode highlights connections to earth science, rock science, and chemistry in a way that’s easy for kids to understand. Hear about the role elements like nitrogen and boron play in the process and how inclusions create mysterious black diamonds. Children will also enjoy hearing the story behind “fancy diamonds” and a fun fact about the world-famous Hope Diamond.
Parents can use this episode as a “dazzling” way to spark curiosity and even sneak in some math connections! With just a few minutes of listening, you and your children can learn together and add a bit of sparkle to your homeschool day.
Diamond Nature Study
Parents, feel free to use these questions to quiz listening comprehension and spark discussions after listening to the episode.
- What element are diamonds mostly made from? (Diamonds are mostly made from the element carbon.)
- How can a diamond become yellow? (A diamond can become yellow if nitrogen is mixed in during its formation.)
- What causes a diamond to turn blue? (Boron mixed in with the carbon during a diamond’s formation can cause it to turn blue.)
- What are diamonds called when they come in colors like pink, blue, or green? (Diamonds that come in these colors are called fancy diamonds.)
- In what country and century did the term “fancy diamonds” originate? (The term “fancy diamonds” originated in France in the 1600s.)
- How do fancy diamonds get their name? (The name “fancy diamonds” came from the French word “fantaisie,” meaning fancy or fantasy.)
- How much is the famous Hope Diamond estimated to be worth? (The Hope Diamond is estimated to be worth $200-350 million.)
- Can you name a few elements besides carbon mentioned in the episode? (A few elements mentioned in the episode are oxygen, hydrogen, sodium, calcium, and magnesium.)
The Hope Diamond
Diamond Nature Study Video Class
The diamond video class takes children on an exciting journey into earth science, chemistry, and the rock cycle! Kids will see how diamonds form deep inside the Earth and why they’re so strong and sparkly. They’ll explore crystallization, the Earth’s layers, and how diamonds connect to volcanoes and earthquakes. Math skills will also come into play as we consider the incredible shapes within diamonds.
This class is designed for children in 1st-8th grades and beyond. It’s perfect for homeschooling families who love interactive learning. No Sweat Nature Study members can enjoy this class, plus more than 150 other science lessons!
Free Nature Observation Printable Packet for All Seasons
No matter what time of year you’re listening to this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, here’s a printable pack of nature observation activities for every season of the year!
Would you like to record a voicemail to answer this season’s nature study question?
At the end of each No Sweat Nature Study Podcast episode, Mrs. Cindy includes messages from a few of her friends. You can record a message that she might use on an upcoming episode! All children must have their parent’s permission before leaving a recording. Parents are welcome to record an answer, too!
You can see this season’s question below. Think about your answer first, and then follow these simple directions:
- Click the button that says “Start recording”.
- Tell me your first name. (If you want to tell your age and/or where you live, feel free to do that.)
- You will have 60 seconds to answer the question, but try to be concise.
- Push the play button to listen to your recording before sending it to be sure it is recorded correctly. If not, record it again.
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