Easy and Inexpensive Ideas for Homeschool Professional Development
When I was teaching in the public school, I had to take 12 hours of professional development classes each summer. PD classes can also be called continuing education or career training. The purpose is to keep someone up-to-date on techniques, teach them something new, and/or encourage passion for their job.
Homeschooling is a job – and an important one at that! While no one forces us to participate in professional development classes, it’s still a very good idea for homeschool parents to complete at least a little continuing education each year.
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Whether you want to learn something new, figure out how to help a child’s learning challenge, or just rejuvenate your mojo, there are several easy things you can do during the summer – or any time of the year.
Homeschool Professional Development
1. Read a book. From homeschool encouragement and how-tos all the way to parenting and special needs, you can find a book about that! Click here to see a list of some of my favorites. (Several are available on audio, too!)
2. Listen to a podcast. Podcasts are a nice way to get in free, bite-size information on all sorts of topics. I’ve enjoyed each and every one of these podcast conversations.
3. Attend a conference. If you have the opportunity to attend an in-person homeschooling conference, it can go a long way in teaching and encouraging you!
4. Attend an online class. There are SEVENTEEN Homeschool Masterclasses available in the Our Journey Westward Shop right now – with a new one added almost monthly. We dig deep into various topics during these classes, making them true professional development opportunities. Each 1.5-hour class is a true bargain!
Homeschool Masterclasses include in-depth training from a homeschool veteran who also happens to have a master’s degree in education. These classes are so much more than “just” a lecture. They provide you an immense amount of knowledge, ideas, and resources that you can use right away to make a difference in your homeschool.
The classes cover unique subjects and offer real solutions that make a difference in your homeschool. They are originally recorded live and no impromptu question goes unanswered. Those who view recordings can still ask lingering questions in a private Facebook group!
What do you think about the idea of continuing education? What’s your favorite way to enjoy it? I’d love to hear thoughts!
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Do you have any suggestions for the homeschool mom that is a licensed teacher and needs Continuing education credits to renew their license? I’m licensed in VA if that matters. I’m not homeschooling yet, but I would love to learn about curriculum and refresh my literacy teaching knowledge. If I could get credit for my next license renewal that would save me so much time and energy.
Lydia, I’m not sure. You could certainly ask if my homeschool masterclasses could count toward CE credit. If they agree, I can make a certificate to show that you purchased and watched the class(es). Just let me know if you need me to do that for you!