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Garden Helpers Nature Study

Last summer, we learned about pests in the garden. It’s only fair to enjoy a garden helpers nature study this year! Before listening to this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, how many animals can you think of that might be helpful in a flower or vegetable garden?

Garden Helpers Nature Study

As always, it’s fun to have a list of questions to answer after the podcast. Listen closely to the episode first, then quiz the entire family!

  1. Name at least two helpful jobs an animal might do in a garden.
  2. Should you squash a spider in the garden?
  3. How is a spider helpful as a predator?
  4. Name one animal a spider might eat.
  5. How is a spider helpful as prey?
  6. Name one animal that eats a spider.
  7. Tell about the food chain example Mrs. Cindy shared in the episode.
  8. Are most spiders incredibly venomous to humans?
Macro spider on a green leaf

Garden Helpers Nature Study Video Class

In the upcoming No Sweat Nature Study LIVE video class about garden helpers, make a chart of several specimens while learning about each one’s helpful job in the garden. The weird and wonderful jobs that garden helpers unwittingly do are amazing.

By the way, creating a nature journal chart is a wonderful way to get an organized look and quickly sketch several specimens!

A white butterfly sitting on a green plant. This image is for an advertisement for a class about garden helpers.

Free Nature Observation Printable Packet for All Seasons

No matter what time of year you’re listening to this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, here’s a printable pack of nature observation activities for every season of the year!

Would you like to record a voicemail to answer this season’s nature study question?

The voicemail recorder is currently closed. It will reopen again in July when a brand-new question is announced!

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